Part 12

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When Clarisse gets to me I can tell she's hesitant. She doesn't think I'll go against Will.
'I'm not going to snitch.' I say, 'give me something. I can do it.'
'I don't know. You guys are pretty close.' She says.
'Yeah, we're dating.' I say, 'that's how it works. Anyway, so are Percy and Annabeth, and they're like, the most competitive out of all of us.'
'Okay, Fine.' She says, 'you're on attack.'
'Perfect.' I say, settling down as she runs me through the plan. Clarisse gets on my nerves a lot, but I can't criticise her planning. She's good at this.
We only have an hour or so to plan, but our team looks set to go. Because we chose first, Will's team gets to go into the forest first.
I wander over to him before he game starts. He's struggling with his armour.
'Here.' I say, sorting it out for him, tightening it. Making sure he's safe.
'Can I trust you?' He asks.
'I'm not going to sabotage your armour, you idiot.' I say, 'relax.'
'We're going to win.' He insists, as he turns to face me.
'Okay. Sure.' I say.
'We are. And I'm not going to go easy on you.' He says, and I can't help but smile.
'Oh, you're not?' I ask.
'Nope.' He says, smiling too.
'Well, that's too bad.' I say. Chiron calls for Will's team to get ready.
'I'm still staying in your cabin tonight, right?' He clarifies, momentarily dropping the enemies vibe.
'Yeah, for sure.' I say, and kiss him quickly before he heads off to his team.
'Be safe.' He says, as he runs off.
'You too!' I call after him, but I doubt he hears me over the calls and shouts of his teammates.
We have to wait two minutes before we can head into the forest. But when we can, I take Clarisse's hand and shadow travel to one point of the forest and leave her there to scope it out. I go back and do the same thing with three others, giving our team a far quicker way to scope out the forest.
I know Will would be furious to know how much shadow travelling I was doing, especially as it wasn't just me either, but I made a deal with Clarisse that he wouldn't find out.
When I'm done with that, I go to my own point - which is by the river - and begin to scope it out. I know that this is most likely where they would have their flag, with Percy to protect it. Clarisse knows that I'm one of the few people who can hold my own against Percy, so she gave me this section.
I take care not to go in the water, in case Percy uses it against me, or hears me coming. Instead I stick just to the side, my sword drawn in preparation. I don't come across anything for a while, until I notice the tide has stopped.
I pause, listen. Wait.
'I know you know I'm here.' I say, quietly. I step out of the shadows, into the light, 'come on, Percy.' I say, stepping out again.
Suddenly I'm hit with a wave of water. I dodge behind a tree, blocking most of the wave. I turn back and see Percy standing in the middle of the stream. I lurch towards him, aware that we're in his territory, where he's his strongest.
I engage him in sword fighting. He can still use the water to fight, but at least he's distracted. I manage to cut his cheek as he ducks, but he throws another wave against me.
I lift my sword again, just as I see his eyes flick up. I realise too late, 'now!' Percy shouts as he drops to one side, covering his face.
'Sorry.' I hear from Will as I turn too late, the fumes of his sleeping draft already hitting me.
'You...' I say, stumbling. Will catches me, supports me.
'Percy go.' Will says urgently, 'they've lost Nico, we've got this.'
I hear Percy rush away, the river masking his tracks.
'Sorry, darling, don't take it personally.' He says, moving me to one side and propping me up against a tree.
I remember when he first called me darling; it wasn't an affectionate term to begin with, but rather one he used when he was annoyed at me - he would sarcastically call something I did darling. Like if I ever got in a fight with someone, he'd go 'Well isn't that just darling of you.' Or, 'gosh, you're such a darling.'
It began to stick though, and I'd gotten used to it, liked it even. But the way he says it now, so smugly, makes me very annoyed.
'You're not going to pass out, don't worry.' He says, quick to reassure me, 'I didn't make it strong. You're just going to be paralysed for a little bit.'

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