Part 7

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Nico sleeps terribly. He talks the whole way through, and cannot, for the life of him, keep still. At one point he almost falls out his bed completely but I manage to catch him.
I write to my mum while he's asleep. Telling her Chiron said it would be safe for her to come, and that he would see to it to find a place for her and my sisters to stay.
I'm apprehensive about bringing them so close to camp half blood, but I'd rather them with us than in England with no one to defend them, should something attack.
'Am I awake?' Nico asks, as he often does. He sometimes means it sincerely, and sometimes it's just his weird humour.
'You are indeed.' I say, turning to look at him, 'your hair's a mess.'
'I'm sorry, I didn't really have much time to doll myself up.' He says sarcastically.
'I can't reach.' I say, and he leans down to kiss me, 'bad sleep?'
'The worst.' He says, 'if Reve ever gives me that...whatever he gave me, again, I swear I will fight him.'
'I'm sure you would.' I say, 'he won't do it again.'
'What's that?' He asks, nodding to my letter.
'Writing to my mum. Giving her the all clear.' I explain.
'They're coming here?'
'Chiron says it's smart.' I say. He nods, having nothing more to add on the subject, 'about your dream-'
'Can we not?' He asks, and I know not to push him.
'Course.' I say.
'Gods, I'm starving.' He says, 'I'm never hungry.'
'Well you didn't eat breakfast and you slept through lunch, so I'm not surprised.' I say, 'come on, it should be dinner soon.'
We head out, and I throw my letter into the air, letting the wind spirits take it to my mother. Nico links arms with me as we head over to the dining area.
'Reyna is here, right? I didn't dream that?' He asks after a moment.
'Yeah, she's here.' I say, 'she was with Percy last I saw. They'll probably be in the dining area.'
'But Annabeth...?' He asks, hesitant.
'No. Not here.' I say, and I can feel him relax slightly, a weight off of his back.
We go into the dining area and, sure enough, Reyna and Percy are sat at the Poseidon table.
'Reyna!' Nico calls out. I watch Reyna stand as Nico rushes over to her and hug her. He and Reyna share a truly deep friendship that I've always vaguely envied. Nico told me about the link they had to share to get the statue to camp half blood. He said that they just got on, easily.
'I missed you!' Reyna says as they break apart, 'you said you'd visit after Christmas.'
'I know, I'm sorry.' Nico says, 'sorry I was so weird yesterday.'
'Not at all.' Reyna says, sitting down in her place.
Nico turns to me, 'Can you sit with us?' He asks, 'or do you need to check in?'
'My shift started a while ago. I should really take over from Reve.' I say, 'but I'll see you after?'
'I'll bring you something to eat.' He says in confirmation.
'Thanks. Love you.' I say, kissing him quickly.
'Love you too. Go save lives.' He says, waving me off. I hurry off, content in knowing I left him with Percy and Reyna.

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