Part 43

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It feels wrong to be back at camp. To be back, and for Jason not to be back with me. Every time I find my mind going back to him and I quickly move away. I can't dwell. I can't. Not now. There's no time. And I know that if I let myself think about him for more than a second, I'll never stop.
'Come on, let's keep it going.' I say, not wanting the momentum to slow, 'Where's Annabeth?'
'She's in her cabin.' Percy says, 'man, she's going to flip when she sees you.'
'Hold on, wait.' Nico says, as we start to head over, 'is Hazel okay? Why didn't she come with you?'
'She's fine, don't worry. I just didn't really... um...plan coming here.' I say, only now realising how worried she must be, 'I just got up one day and walked to the road and made the first person I found drive me here.'
'So she has no idea where you went?' Nico asks.
'' I say quietly, 'I'm sorry. I didn't think. I'll call her.'
'There's no service.' Nico says, 'don't worry. I'll sort it. I'll let her know you're okay. You go say hi to Annabeth. Settle in.'
'Thank you.' I say, 'I really am sorry.'
'It's honestly okay. Not your fault.' He says, kissing me quickly on the cheek before hurrying off with Will.
'They've definitely blossomed as a couple.' I say, watching them holding hands without thinking twice.
'I know. I never would have put them together, but it just makes sense.' Percy says, 'Will brings out this...I don't know...just a happier side of Nico.'
'I mean, no one deserves it more.' I say. We head over to Annabeth's cabin, and Percy knocks at the door. A small girl with a shaved head opens the door.
'Hey Lucy, d'you mind if we come in?' Percy asks, clearly familiar with all of Annabeth's siblings.
'Sorry about the mess. Annabeth's...uh...doing some thinking.' She says, stepping aside to see a load of papers and books scattered on the floor, Annabeth perched in the middle of it all, scribbling something down.
'Hey Wisegirl. Stop the work a sec.' He says, nudging her with his foot.
'Can't talk, Percy. I'll eat later.' She says, not even turning to look at him.
'I've got a surprise.' He says.
'Yeah, last week I think.' She says. Clearly not listening to a word he's saying.
'Isn't she charming?' He says to me, unable to stop himself smiling.
'Love you too.' She says, waving her hand in a feeble goodbye.
'Sorry Piper, guess she doesn't care-' as soon as he says my name, Annabeth jolts. A flip switches in her head. She turns, and throws herself into my arms.
'What are you doing here?!' She exclaims, huffing me tightly, 'no I don't care. I'm so glad you're here. Gods, I missed you.'
I hold her tightly back, refusing to let go for the longest time.
'Gods, it's good to see you.' I say, laughing a little as we finally pull away.
'How are you?' She asks, suddenly serious, 'Sorry. I'm so sorry.'
'Me too.' I say, smiling a little and doing my best not to cry again. I remind myself that they loved Jason just as much as me. They lost their friend too.
'I'll find them, I promise.' She says, turning back to her research for a moment.
'How's that going?' Percy asks, squatting down and sorting through some of the pages on the floor.
'Uh...not great.' Annabeth says, 'but I'll find something.'
'Any way I can help?' I ask, knowing that more than anything, I want the people responsible for killing Jason to be punished.
'Are you sure?' She asks, looking me over.
'Annabeth. Let me help.' I insist.
'In that case...' She says, 'I might have something.'

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