Part 29

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I wake up in a maze. In a literal, hedge maze. I'm covered in dirt and my clothes are torn to shreds. I remember very little beyond the fire.
Then it hits me. Jason. I falter slightly, raising the back of my palm to my forehead, resisting the urge to fall asleep again.
I think to Nico. Whether he got out of the fire Okay. I stop myself from thinking otherwise. He has to have gotten out. He must have.
I stand, shakily, clutching the hedge for support. It seems early morning, by the light, but I have no idea where I am.
'Hello?' I call out, to no reply, 'Gracie? Willow?' Nothing. I have to put the my panic for my sisters aside for a moment. To help them I have to figure out where I am. I need to get back to camp.
I proceed through the maze, figuring that the fastest way to get out would be pure luck. It takes me half an hour.
When I find the way out, I realise that I am in the middle of nowhere. An abandoned cabin sits beside the maze, but looks as though it's been empty for years.
My only choice is to follow the road in a random direction until I find somewhere to figure out more. The sun blares down. I'm agonisingly thirsty by the time I reach a small town.
I'm too distracted by a well in the centre to realise that all the signs are in a different language. I drink as much as I can, before turning round and attempting to read the sign.  For a moment I think it's just heatstroke getting to me, but then I realise it is in Spanish. A language which I very much do not speak.
'Hello.' I call out to a woman crossing the street, 'excuse me. Hi.'
'Hola Chico!' She replies.
'What country is this? Where am I? America?' I ask, and she looks at me a little concerned.
'Esto Es Mexico!' She replies, then in a very heavy accent, 'You okay?'
'Yes. Yes.' I say, sitting down by the fountain, 'do you know the quickest way to America?'
'To America?' She clarifies.
'You go with my son. He leaves soon to visit friends.' She says, gesturing me to follow her, and I don't have much choice but to do exactly that.

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