Part 10

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I get up about four hours after Will leaves, though the nightmares I had were not worth the lie-in. I sit on my own at breakfast, not in the mood to chat, as occasionally happens.
Percy checks in with me briefly, to check I'm okay, but leaves quickly once he establishes I'm just grouchy and need my alone time. He sits with Reyna instead. I eat quickly, grabbing a selection of food for Will before rushing down to the infirmary.
As soon as I walk in I can tell Will won't be out anytime soon. He's rushing back and forth between different beds, grabbing different things, talking to people across the room.
'Hey.' I say, aware he won't be able to talk for long.
'Nico! Hey, Gods, what time is it?'
'Ten.' I say, 'I'm guessing you're not done?'
'I'm sorry.' He says, taking the food I bought him and digging in, 'it's bad. I need to make sure he's okay before I leave him in Reve's hands.'
'I get it. Don't worry. Do your thing.' I say, 'eat though. I'll be back with lunch later.'
'Thank you.' He says, kissing my cheek quickly before rushing off to George.
'Reve.' I say, as we run into each other on my way out, 'you're here all day?'
'That's the deal.' He says, wary. I can tell he's still apprehensive about me. Especially because he woke me and Will up earlier to ruin our plans, 'I'm bringing Will lunch. You want something?'
'Um...yeah. That'd be great actually.' He says, clearly surprised. It's entertaining to see him a little flustered, normally the most confident out of all of Will's siblings, 'thank you.'
'No worries. I'll see you later.' I say, leaving quickly. It feels weird being so polite, but he's Will's brother, and despite what they all think, I'd quite like them all to like me.

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