Part 18

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I wait by Thalia's tree for Jason to arrive. He said he was coming back a week before Piper so that he could catch Reyna before she went back to camp Jupiter. I said I'd meet him, but by the time he arrives he's already an hour late.
'Sorry, man. I'm sorry!' As he steps out a taxi, 'we went a long way.'
'Uhuh. Good story.' I say, not caring enough to be annoyed. I pull him in for a hug and he reciprocates.
'Man, I missed you!' He says, grabbing his bag and walking with me to the cabins.
'Me too, it's getting weird round here.' I say, then lower my voice, 'I think Nico and Will are in a fight.'
'What?!' Jason asks, 'how does that even happen?'
'I mean, as far as I know, Nico just got in a really bad mood and took it out on Will. I don't really know. Will wasn't really in the state for questions. He took it pretty hard.' I explain.
'Yeah, well no wonder. That kid is the personification of a sunflower.' Jason says. We reach his cabin and he unloads his stuff. As the only current member of his cabin, he can just chuck his bags in without annoying anyone else.
'No offence, man, but I kind of wish Piper came instead of you. She'd be able to sort this out in a heartbeat.' I say, only half joking.
'What makes you think I can't?' Jason replies quickly, 'let's give Nico a visit.'
'You know that's a terrible idea.' I say, following him over to Nico's cabin.
'I'm just paying an old friend a visit.' He says, ignoring me. He knocks on Nico's door before I can stop him.
The door opens quickly, but Nico's face falls when he sees it's us.
'What?' He says, heading back into his cabin and laying down on Hazel's bed.
'What in Hades happened here?' I ask, stepping precariously into his room, 'looks like a bloody bomb exploded.'
'What do you want?' He repeats, ignoring my question.
'Just came to say hello.' Jason says, looking around the room in disbelief.
'Hi.' Nico says, 'you can leave now.'
'How's Will?' Jason asks, feigning innocence, but Nico stares daggers at me.
'You told him?' Nico shouts, standing up. It's only now that I realise how bloodshot his eyes are. There are bags under his eyes.
'Nico, we just want to help.' Jason says, raising his hands.
'I don't need your help.' Nico spits out.
'What happened to your hand?' I ask, noticing it's covered in dried blood.
'It's a scratch.' He says, 'now get out.'
'That's not a scratch, Nico.' I say. I know it's likely that Nico will shadow travel if we continue confronting him, so I move round and restrain him quickly before he can, 'Jason. A little help?'
Jason quickly steps in to help me, as it's gotten to the stage that I can't hold Nico off on my own.
'Infirmary?' He asks.
'Afraid so.' I answer. Nico is kicking out against us, but once we get him to the doors of the infirmary he turns to pleading.
'Please. He doesn't want to see me. He doesn't want to.' Nico insists.
'Well this is a medical emergency.' Jason says.
'It's got to be done, Nico.' I say, carefully, 'just say sorry.'
We burst through the doors, and there's hardly anyone inside. There are two people asleep, and Will at his desk, writing notes. He looks up when we come in and goes through a range of emotions before we can speak.
'I'll get someone.' Will says after a moment, standing up and heading out.
'It's sort of an emergency.' Jason says quickly.
'Real emergency.' I repeat.
Will stops, clenches his fists slightly then let's out a sigh.
'Put him on the bed.' He says. Nico shrugs us off and sits on the bed himself. He looks scared.
'Well.' Jason says, 'we better go. We have that thing.'
'Yes.' I say, 'really important thing.'
'I thought this was an emergency.' Will says sarcastically.
'We have a different emergency to get to.' I say, 'more important.'
'But this is important. Save his hand.' Jason backs me up, as I head out, pulling him after me.

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