Part 22

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Nico comes by the infirmary just as my shift ends. We kiss quickly, both of us still high on being back together.
I hold his hand as we wander up to the dining area, and he tells me what went down with Jason.
'You really didn't write the letter?' I ask, desperately hoping that we're making a big deal of nothing.
'I didn't. I mean, I don't remember writing it if I did. You're right though, it definitely was my handwriting.' He says.
'Jason made the right decision. You're right, if this turns out to be something, the safest option is to keep Jason here.'
'That's what I thought.' He says. He directs me over to the Poseidon table without question. I don't mind not sitting at my table for tonight, I've missed Nico far too much to care.
'Well, hello. Look at the happy couple.' Percy says as we sit with him. He seems oddly spritely. I don't question it; Nico does though.
'What's up with you?' He asks, sounding incredibly judgemental.
'He's allowed to be happy, Nico.' I say, nudging him slightly.
'It's weird. Stop it.' Nico says, throwing a pea at Percy.
'Oh, my weakness! Peas!' Percy says, over-dramatically falling down, causing a scene, and greatly embarrassing Nico.
'Stop it!' Nico says quietly, noticing the attention at our table.
'He's winding you up, Nico.' I say, laughing as Percy sits back up.
'Yeah, I got that.' Nico says, 'but seriously, what's up?'
'Just talked with Annabeth.' Percy says.
'Ohhh.' I say, 'got it.'
'That makes sense.' Nico says, nodding, 'next time you talk tell her I say hi.'
'Will do.' Percy says, continuing on with his meal. We eat fairly quickly, aware that my family is arriving soon. Nico and I head off afterwards, down to Thalia's tree.
'Relax.' I say, 'they'll love you.'
'You have to say that.' He says, pacing back and forth, 'you have to say that, because you love me.'
'That's true.' I say.
'Love has made you biased. You don't know what they'll think.' He says, working himself up.
'Well I guess we'll just have to see then.' I say.
'Maybe I shouldn't be here when they arrive.' He says quickly.
'Too late!'
'What?' He says in a panic.
'Hi mum!' I call out, rushing over to the car as my mum and two sisters scramble out.
'William! My darling, I missed you.' My mum says, wrapping me in a hug. She holds me tightly and doesn't let go for the longest time. My sisters cling to me, wanting my attention.
'I missed you too mum.' She let's go and I kneel down beside the girls and hug them, 'Hey you guys, Gods, you're so big! I missed you both so much.'
'I missed you too.' They both say, clinging to me.
'And this must be Nico!' My mum says, introducing herself, 'lovely to meet you.'
I watch Nico nod awkwardly, but my mum pulls him into a hug. He's incredibly stiff and I can't help but laugh a little.
'Guys, come say hi to Nico.' I say, holding hand with Willow and Gracie and leading them over to Nico.
'Hi Nico!' They say together. Nico looks to me, panicked and I give him a small nod of reassurance.
'Hi guys!' He says, and I can hear the hesitation in his voice, 'nice to meet you.'
'How was you're journey?' I ask my mum, still finding it bizarre to see her after so long.
'Uneventful. Long.' She says, hugging me again, 'worth it.'
'Okay so, you can't actually come into the camp, only demigods can, but Chiron has made arrangements to put you in a house about two minutes from here, with a constant watch from demigods. The Hecate kids have set up a load of safety spells. You'll be safe there.'
'Sounds perfect.' She says.
'I'll go get Chiron.' Nico offers quickly, 'he'll get the people on first watch.'
'Thank you.' I say, kissing him on the cheek before he leaves.
'Lovely to meet you all.' He says, doing his awkward nod again before hurrying off.
'Oh, Will. It's so good to see you.' My mum says, turning to me and holding my head in your hands.
'I've missed you so much.' I say, 'I'm so glad you finally met Nico.'
'Yes. Well, we can talk more about him later.' She says, her tone going a little cold. I freeze.
' didn't like him?' I ask.
'Darling, you told me how sad he made you the last couple of days in your letter. He doesn't deserve you.' She says.
'That was just a fight. He had a bad day.' I say, unable to comprehend that my mum doesn't like Nico, 'I can't believe you don't like him.'
'He's not the only fish in the sea, darling, there'll be more.' She says, tapping my shoulder briefly then turning away, 'anyway, enough about that! Let's talk about how you've been!'
The conversation changes completely, and we talk about everything except Nico. But I can't get it out of my head. She doesn't like him. She doesn't like him, and I love him. I don't understand.

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