Part 46

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Since it's more of a stealth operation than anything, Annabeth figured it best to keep numbers small. There's just five of us going - Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Will and me. Despite Percy being heavily encouraged not to go by both Annabeth and Kayla.
Somehow Percy is the only one of all of us who can drive, so we all pile into his car and head down to where Will's sisters are supposed to be.
'Why do I have to be in the middle?' I ask as Will sits down next to me and Piper gets in the other side.
'You're the smallest.' Will says, matter of factly.
'So, I want the leg room.' Will says as he does up his seatbelt.
'So do I? And I'm the one who's actually going to be fighting?' I counter.
'You really trying to guilt trip me into giving you extra leg room?' Will asks, smiling a little.
'I'm giving it a go. Is it working?'
'No.' He replies.
'Gods, you guys are such an old married couple.' Piper says from beside me.
'Are not.' I say.
'Are too.' She says, laughing a little.
'Look, just put your legs over in my side.' Will says, moving my legs so that I can stretch out in front of him, 'better?'
'Much.' I say, smiling and giving him a small kiss on his cheek, 'Grazie.'
'Prego.' He replies almost instantly. I'm surprised that he's remembering what I taught him.
'Nope. No. No way. I'm not having you two talking Italian the whole way. No can do.' Percy says, 'let's play I spy.'
'Non riesco a credere di avere una cotta per te.' I say, leaning back in my seat. Will laughs a little, and I turn to him, surprised. 'What? I didn't teach you that! How do you understand me?'
'I taught myself some stuff.' He says, smiling.
'What'd he say?' Piper asks, suddenly interested.
'Non farlo, Will.' I say, 'none of your business.'
'What'd he say!?' Percy asks, 'was it about me? It was about me wasn't it?'
'Just drive the car, Percy.' I say, slouching in my seat.
'I'm going to google translate it later.' Percy says.
'You don't even remember what he said.' Annabeth says, laughing.
'Dammit.' He says.
Will puts his arm around me and pulls me into a hug, 'sei un idiota, ma ti amo ancora.'
'Ti voglio bene anche io, tesoro.' I say back. I can feel him smiling.

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