Part 42

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As I go up to give some of my food as an offering to Persephone it feels more vivid. As if I'm actually in front of her. I feel closer to her.
'Thank you.' I say, quietly, 'I'm sorry I...I used what you gave me to hurt people. I'll make it better. I promise.'
'Guess she's getting your offerings.' Will says, coming up beside me, and scraping some of his food into the fire.
'Guess so.' I reply, half distracted, 'you in contact with your dad at all?'
'Nothing.' He says, sighing a little, 'he's an idiot, but I could really do with seeing him.'
'I'm sure he'll be back soon. From wherever he is.' I say.
'What about you? Your dad in contact at all?' He asks.
'Not at all. Thankfully. I'm scared I'm going to stop being able to Shadow travel.'
'You only lost the ability to tell when someone was dead right?' He asks.
'And raise the dead. I don't think I can control skeletons anymore.'
'You tried?' He asks, surprised.
'When we were in the labyrinth. Yeah. Didn't work.' I say.
'You can still shadow travel though, right?' He double checks.
'Yeah. Not sure why. Maybe cause raising the dead and sending death links to my dad directly. Like it concerns him too? When I shadow travel that's just me? I don't know. I don't want to jinx it.' I say.
'It's not the worst thing. It drained you so much. At least this new...Persephone least that doesn't seem to be affecting you negatively.' He takes hold of my hand as he's speaking, interlocking our fingers.
'Ever the doctor.' I say.
'It's in my nature.' He replies, smiling slightly.
'What the...' Percy says, standing up from where he's sitting, taking our attention away from each other, 'is that...?'
Before he can finish or answer his own question, he's out of his seat and rushing past us. I turn, just as he calls out.
'Piper!' He shouts, running across the field to where Piper was walking with purpose towards the cabins. She turns at Percy's voice and falls into his arms.
I snap out of my surprise and instantly shadow travel up to them both.
Piper is sobbing into Percy's shoulder, but as soon as she sees me she let's go of Percy and hugs me too.
'I'm so sorry.' I say, and before I know it, I'm crying too, 'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.'
'It wasn't you fault.' She says, stepping back slightly and holding my head in her hands, 'it wasn't you, okay?'
'I should have done...done something. I could have-' I stutter out.
'Nico, no.' She says, shaking her head, still crying, 'don't you dare blame yourself. He wouldn't want that, okay? He wouldn't.'
I nod, and she pulls me in for a hug again. I hold her tightly, only now realising how much I'd missed her. When she steps back, Percy hugs her again, spinning her round this time.
'I've missed you, McLean.' He says, putting her down.
'Missed you, Jackson.' She says back. Her voice is quiet, and I can hear how much she's been mourning Jason. But she holds her own.
'Will, hi!' She says, moving past Percy and I to hug Will, who's just reached us.
'Hi Piper. Good to see you.' He says, hugging her back, 'I'm so sorry.' She smiles and nods.
'Thanks.' She says, them quickly moves on, 'Nico, did you just abandon your boy to come talk with me? Love 101, don't ditch your date.' She says, putting on a ditsy voice.
'My bad.' I say, moving over to Will, and kissing him quickly on the cheek.
'I'll excuse it.' Will says, 'he's missed you.'
'Don't say that!' I say, hitting him slightly.
'You did!' He says, defensively.
'You missed me!' She says, brightly, 'no take backs.'
'Yeah, okay, whatever.' I say, rolling my eyes.
Piper's eyes are still red. She looks weaker, smaller. As if she hasn't slept or eaten for days. It's the closest I've ever seen her to not looking perfect. But she smiles.
'I missed you too.' She says.

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