Part 23

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I get back to Will, Chiron and a group of demigods with me. I offered to go on watch too, but apparently Will already told Chiron not to let me, because my sleep schedule has only just gotten back on track. I make a mental note to complain about it when I'm next alone with him.
'There you go.' I say, as we finally reach them, 'I'll walk down with you, but apparently I'm not allowed to go on watch.'
'Doctor's orders.' Will says, but I can tell he's distracted.
'You okay?' I ask him quietly, so no one else hears me.
'Yeah. Yeah, fine.' He says, but again it doesn't sound quite right.
'Will, what's up?' I say, 'seriously.'
He looks from me to his family, then takes my hand and pulls me a little while away so they can't overhear us, 'I'm honestly fine. It's just my mum...she...'
'What? Is she okay?' I ask.
'No, no she's fine. They're fine. It's just...' He trails off, and it suddenly clicks.
'She doesn't like me.' I say quietly. I can see him panicking, not knowing what to say.
'She does. She does.' He insists, but he doesn't look me in the eye.
'Is it something I said? Did I do something?' I ask, doing all I can to act casual.
'No, you were great. I just might have told her about you ignoring me. She got the wrong impression.' He says, 'it's not you.'
'She doesn't like me.' I say, 'Gods. I knew...' I can feel my eyes welling up, I blink tears away, 'she's never going to like me.'
'She will. I'll talk to her.' He says, putting his hands on my shoulders.
'No. No, it doesn't matter. People don't like me, Will. I told you.' I say, shrugging his hands off and returning to pacing back and forth. He just watches me, 'I told you this was a bad idea.'
'I'll talk to her, Nico.' He says again.
'People don't like me when they've just met me. Your mums not going to change her mind now that she already hates me.' I say.
'She doesn't hate you.' He insists, but again, he won't meet my eyes.
'I don't think I should come to the house with you.' I say, 'I...I'll just go back to my cabin.'
'Nico, don't. Please come. I promise they just need to get to know you.' He says, brushing the hair out of my eyes. I step back a little.
'No. No, you go.' I say, 'I don't want to intrude.'
'You're not.'
'Well clearly I am, Will.' I say, a little more forcibly than I planned, 'I just...I don't think it's a good idea.'
'I want you to come.' He says.
'I'll see you tomorrow.'
'Why not tonight?' He asks quickly, 'I'll come straight back. You won't be asleep by then.'
'No, I think I'm just going to go on a walk. Or something.' I say, 'not very tired.'
'Wait for me, I'll come with you.' He says, his arms draped over my shoulders, holding me close.
'Will, we're going!' Will's mum calls, 'is your friend coming?'
'Boyfriend.' I say, under my breathe.
'I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Nico.' He says, and I can tell how much this is hurting him. How much he wanted us to get along.
'It's okay. Really.' I say, kissing him quickly, 'go. I'll see you tomorrow.'
'I love you.' He says, and I nod. I do everything to hold in my tears.
'Love you too.' I say, stepping back. He turns and heads off with his family, and I shadow travel away before Will has time to look back.
I spend the next few hours sitting by the beach, watching the tide go in and out. I try not to think too much about anything.
When I go back to my cabin, I find Will asleep in my bed. I was expecting him to go to his own cabin, but I'm relieved to an extent.
I sit on the floor, leaning against my bed. Will's hand brushes my hair and he wakes slightly.
'Nico?' He asks, his voice hoarse, as it always is when he just wakes up.
'Go back to sleep.' I say, 'I'm fine.'
'Aren't you sleeping?' He asks.
'Not tired.'
'You need to sleep. Come to bed.' He says, yawning.
'I will in a bit.' I say, kissing his hand lightly, 'you sleep.'
'Love you.' He says, already asleep before I say it back. I stay where I am for the night, leaving for breakfast before Will wakes up.

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