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This was requested by, once again, ThunderHoltz, ty for requesting again!! 💜💜

Ok so, I cannot guarantee that this will be as good as the previous one shot...I was sort of dazed while writing this for some reason so well see how this will be!

Tw: Panic/Anxiety attack and fluff, fluff, and fluff!

It was a nice afternoon in the Commons, Virgil and Roman were seated on the couch, Roman was taking up the majority of the space with him laying on two spaces with his legs hanging off the armrest while Virgil was comfortably situated a the other end of the couch, curled up into a ball.

Roman was, surprisingly, reading a book while Virgil was on his phone, scrolling on a social media app, most probably on Tumblr. There was a comfortable silence between them, both content with each other's presence- that is until Roman suddenly heard a small sob come from the other.

Roman quickly bookmarked his page and sat up properly, placing his book on the coffee table and went to see what happened to his cru- ahem, dark counterpart.

He saw Virgil with his hood up and shaking violently, his hand Covered his mouth, muffling the sobs that would escape his mouth, he could see the stream of tears flowing down his cheeks, shining slightly from under the hood. Roman felt his heart shatter slightly at the sight, he wanted nothing but to scoop Virgil into his arms and kiss all his tears away but he knew that would most probably make it worse.

He slowly and carefully approached the anxious trait, scared to somehow make Virgil's state worse. He warily sat down next to Virgil, not too close, not too far and hesitantly reached out his hand but didn't touch Virgil quite yet.

"Virgil?" Roman asked gently and hoped he caught the darker male's attention. Virgil, shaking slightly, turned his head to face Roman, Fear, worry, and pleading swirled around Virgil's glossy purple and green eyes. Roman took in a deep breath and looked into Virgil's glossy eyes compassionately.

"StormCloud," a name Roman calls Virgil to help calm him, "May I touch you?" Roman asked, his voice as soothing and gentle as he could be. Virgil nodded frantically and practically launched himself at Roman, Sobbing into the regal male's shoulder.

Roman was slightly taken aback but he quickly began comforting the crying emo. He hugged Virgil and soothingly rubbed his back while breathing evenly and gently ran his hand through Virgil's surprisingly soft hair, "It's ok storm cloud, it's ok. You're ok..." Roman cooed as Virgil clutched his shirt tightly and sobbed.

As minutes passed by, their position slowly migrated from awkwardly leaning and hugging each other to Virgil comfortably sitting on Roman's lap, his arms wrapped tightly around Roman's chest while the latter played with his hair and rested his hand on Virgil's waist while still whispering comforting words.

Soon enough, Virgil's sobs went from small hiccups to sniffles to soft breathing, Roman took notice and smiled softly, "you feeling better now StormCloud?" Virgil nodded weakly, "mhm.." Virgil hummed, still holding onto Roman lazily in a loose hug. Roman smiled slightly wider and subtly held Virgil closer, playing with his hair now, smiling wider when he felt Virgil hold onto him slightly tighter. Roman, honestly, felt like he was in Utopia, he wanted to stay like that every day.

Unbeknownst to Roman, Virgil felt the same. He wished that they'd, maybe, cuddle forever with Roman running his fingers through his hair, wanting to preserve the nice and fuzzy feeling he felt whenever he was with Roman. Nonetheless, It was warm and comforting and soon enough, Virgil felt himself drift off to sleep, subconsciously nuzzling his head into Roman's shoulder.

Roman melted at the action and slowly laid the both of them into a comfortable position so now they were laying down, Virgil still latched on to Roman, like an adorable koala. Roman stared lovingly at Virgil's sleeping face, brushing hairs away from his face ever so often. After a few minutes, Roman found himself slipping into slumber and drifted off to sleep, burying his face in Virgil's hair.

**(An hour or so later)

Patton went into the common room, half-expecting Either Roman sprawled out on the couch doing something like brainstorming or Virgil sitting on the armchair while doing something on his phone but what Patton didn't expect to see was his dark strange son cuddling with the prince on the couch. This put a huge grin on Patton's face.

Patton almost squealed out loud but contained himself, wouldn't want to wake up the cuteness, would he? Instead, he let out a soft "aww" and got out his phone and snapped a few pictures of the sleeping couple.

Their limbs were slightly tangled together, one of Virgil's leg wrapped around Roman's hip and the other in between his legs while his arms were around Roman's chest with his head in his shoulder with a peaceful smile on his face, while Roman's legs were curled up slightly and his arms were wrapped around Virgil securely as if he were protecting him, and his face was buried in Virgil's hair.

Patton smiled as he sorted them into his "Prinxiety" folder and went into the kitchen to fix up dinner, smiling when he heard a small surprised yelp from the living room.

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