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Hi there!! 💜💜💜

For those who have seen my dream-made story idea on my message board, this is just a small piece of writing brain motivated me to write- although I'm not fully sure if I will write this in the future because I'm focusing on one book at a time so my mind wouldn't get worn out but there's a possibility!

I'm tagging the people who seemed interested!
K3A3P3, ThunderHoltz, Secretly-Anxious, AshTrash669, psychotic_shipper, and...uh...mind_writing? (Sorry-)

Oh, also, this is set in the 1800-ish but it may not be accurate due to my lack of research but there are life-sized porcelain dolls in the world.

Tw: porcelain dolls, let me know if I should put more! Stay safe!

When the owner of their supposed new home presented the welcoming gift, Roman didn't feel uneasy or uncomfortable like his mother and father, instead, he felt calm and familiar with the doll. The doll was made to look like a young boy around 14-15 of age, it was quickly apparent that the doll was made of porcelain with the look doll's pale and almost white skin that was painted a Rosy blush to bring a sense of humanity to the doll. It was sitting on a dainty chair, it face aloof as its eyes stared forwards, the sun reflecting on it, making it's abnormally beautiful violet eyes sparkle- although one eye couldn't be seen due to its hair covering the most of it. Roman seemed drawn.

"Excuse me, do you think that it can stand, please?" Roman questioned as he walked a little closer. The homeowner smirked and grabbed something put away to the side, it seemed like some sort of platform that had a wooden rod with some sort of curve at the top. He grabbed The doll and placed it on the stand, delicately connecting the doll's feel to the platform and rested the doll's back on the curve, making it stand to its full height.

"He can stand on his own but there's a risk that he'll fall over so he has to use a stand" the homeowner explained, Roman nodding in understanding.

Roman walked closer and stood in front of it, noting that he was a few inches shorter than him, he was wearing some sort of cloak that has purple patches stitched into it with thick white thread and underneath, he wore a simple outfit- as simple as it was around the 1800s.

Roman raised his hand to touch the doll but stopped, anxiously looking around the room until the homeowner nodded. Roman nodded politely and reached his hand to touch the cool porcelain, it felt smooth with no imperfections in it, no bumps or lumps, it was simply smooth. Roman's eyes lit up, he moved his hand to gently move the hair away from his eyes, surprising the young teen at how human-like and soft the hair was. He brushed it to the side and got a good look at the doll's eyes, even more beautiful seeing it close up.

"Beautifully made, isn't he?" The homeowner said, acknowledging the boy's intrigue of the doll.

Roman nodded in agreement pulling away hesitantly and took a step back, smiling politely at the homeowner, "Does have a name?" Roman asked, standing beside his parents, ignoring their confused stare.

"His name is Virgil."

For those confused, he's what happened in my dream for context;

Last night, I had a weird dream where it was prinxiety and Virgil was some sort of human-cursed doll as a sick kind of "greeting present" for the family who moves into some mansion, I guess?? The dream's a bit fuzzy but it was Roman's family that moved in and the owner, I guess, presents the doll-turned Virgil to Ro's family and they gave Virgil to Roman, seeing as he was the only child there....

The thing is Virgil could still talk and move. So, when Roman got him (he's around 13-14 I think?) Roman somehow figures out Virgil's sentient then they become friend and play and such?? Once again, it's very fuzzy, but then one day Virgil feels that he can't be sentient any longer- by that I think he'll become more like a doll and eventually crack? I don't know. So he's in the corner, laying still and crying and Roman finds him and that's where Virgil begins to apologise profusely and then crack. Roman's so heart broken and such but he's determined to, somehow, bring Virgil back.

It was a wild-ish dream but I vaguely remember Roman keeping a journal that was filled with his days with Virgil and a few of the pages are filled with things Virgil wrote, supposedly before he cracked, and Roman takes that as clues to bring Virgil back. It- it's very interesting....

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