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Requested by: ThunderHoltz

Selected prompts: "you're crying" "There's no need to apologise" “I would run out of breath trying to describe all the reasons I love you.” “I can’t imagine a world in which I don’t adore you.” “Losing you would be a nightmare that every day I beg to awaken from.”

Tw: crying, almost anxiety/panic attack, cursing, insults (idk?), Fluff
Virgil twitched and shook as he looked up at the man he loved in front of him. He felt tears form in his eyes as he saw the absolute disgust and contempt on his face, Virgil knew, he just knew, it was directed at him. He choked back huge, ugly, sobs as he heard Roman start insulting and belittling him, each word piercing right through his core as Roman continued saying things that made Virgil break down.

"You really thought I loved you? How pathetic."

"You're too useless, why would anyone love someone like you?"


Virgil felt like he was drowning, he couldn't breathe. He couldn't fucking breathe. Maybe Roman was right, maybe he really was fucking useless. Virgil bit his lip harshly as he felt the world engulf him in black the only thing he saw were blobs of red that he assumed was Roman through his blurry eyes.

"I never loved you."

Virgil woke up with a harsh jolt, his breathing heavy as tears fell down his face, non-stop. Virgil looked over to his left and saw the angelic face of his boyfriend next to him, Virgil couldn't help but let let out a small sob as he sat up, tears flowing freely and fast down his face like a shower of rain.

He was shaking, what if that was really what Roman really thought of him? What if his brain just showed him the truth? Fuck, now he was crying harder now. He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't realize the Princely man beside him wake up.

"Vee? Love? What's wrong?" Roman asked, his voice low and groggy, almost sounding like a soft growl as he spoke and sat up.

Virgil seemed to stiffen and turned away from Roman so he wouldn't see his tears,"I-It's nothing, Roman..." Virgil said shakily, his voice soft and rough. It was obvious that he had been crying. Roman frowned slightly and sighed, moving closer to Virgil and gently turned Virgil around, his heart breaking at the sight of the tears that fell down Virgil's eyes.

"You're crying..." Roman muttered softly, raising his hand to wipe the tears off his love's pretty face. Virgil cast his gaze elsewhere as he avoided Roman's worried stare.

"I'm sorry..." Virgil apologized, feeling more tears fall down his face. Roman just shushed him and pulled him into a hug, "There's no need to apologise, my love" Roman soothed, gently running his fingers through his hair as he traced small patterns on his back. He whispered sweet nothings as he felt Virgil relax slightly in his arms.

"Dear, what happened?" Roman asked, pulling away slightly to see his love's face. Virgil bit his lip and shook his head, bringing his hands up to hold Roman's and gently take them off his face, his head down, "It's nothing..." Virgil insisted, his eyes glossing over once again, not that Roman saw it.

Roman sighed and took Virgil's hands in his, "Virgil," Roman said firmly like a parent trying to get their child to do something. Virgil sighed as looked up at Roman with his glossy eyes that looked like he was about to cry.

"Roman, do you love me?"

"Wh- of course I do! What makes you say that?"

Virgil sighed and curled into himself "It's just-" Virgil paused, the words that dream Roman shouted at him resurfacing, "It's just fucking doubt," Virgil said, a certain edge to his voice when he said "doubt", curling into himself further as he felt tears prick his eyes once again.

Roman frowned and pulled Virgil onto his lap, cupping his face and looking his love straight in the eye, "StormCloud, I would run out of breath trying to describe all the reasons I love you, don't let doubt make you think that I don't love you because, love, you are the most precious thing to me in this whole world,"

"Ro, I-"

"Shush, darling, I love you so much to the point that losing you would be a nightmare that every day I beg to awaken from. I love you so much and you mean so much to me, Virgil, and I can't stand the thought of you not being there when I wake up- hell, I can’t imagine a world in which I don’t adore you," Roman could feel his eyes water slightly. He just smiled and leaned in closer to Virgil, "So, StormCloud, don't believe in the lies your anxiety gives you. No matter how loud or harsh they are, they're not true because the truth is I love you. I love you more than I love myself." Roman ended his small speech with a soft kiss on Virgil's lips, pouring all the love and affection he felt for Virgil the past 5 years into that one kiss.

Virgil felt tears fall down his eyes, but this time, it was not out of sadness, but out of pure happiness. He wrapped his arms around Roman as he kissed back. They pulled away softly, their foreheads were together as their lips still touched, eyes closed as they savored the small moment of pure love.

Roman was the first one to open his eyes, smiling as he stared at his love's beautiful face, admiring all the small freckles on his skin, his smooth but dry rose-pink lips, a cute little button nose that had a delicate slope to it. He was perfect. A few seconds later, Virgil's eyes opened, smiling when his eyes met with Roman's brilliant green ones.

"You still want me to continue my speech or should we cuddle and sleep, my dear?" Roman asked, pressing a soft kiss on Virgil's head, causing the dark male to smile, "no, I think I wanna cuddle.." Virgil replied, already wrapping his arms around Roman.

Romab smiled and laid them down, pressing a kiss on top of Virgil's head and pulled the covers over them. Virgil wrapped his legs around Roman as he nuzzled his head in his chest, Roman wrapping his around Virgil's waist and burying his head in Virgil's fluffy purple mess of hair. Soon enough, the couple fell asleep, no worries and doubts just contentment and love as they cuddled close to one another.

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