Meeting Pat (Demon pt 2)

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I told ya I would write some more stuff for this! This is when Virgil is 18 and in senior high! Also, Roman still hasn't gotten a grasp on human stuff yet so excuse him.

(Should I make a separate book for this? Idk)

Tw: mentions of killing, past ritual/summoning, mentions of contract/deal, demonic things some adult themes sprinkled in, Roman's a fucking demon.


Virgil was at his locker, organizing and fixing stuff in it with Roman at his side, keeping a solid gaze on him as they bickered back and forth. It was weird having a demon follow him, he was so used to being alone and being smashed into his locker door that it seemed almost weird now that Roman was there. but it want a bad thing though, he finally had someone he could rely on- even if that person was a demon that he (accidentally) made a contract with.

"Virgil, you do know that I can literally kill those bullies if you wanted me to. I don't see the reason why you would let those mortals live when they've done so much harm to you?" Roman argued with a small pout  as he leaned against that locked door next to him.

"Roman, as much as I would love for you to do that, I don't want people being suspicious about their sudden 'disappearances' ," Virgil said, sarcasm dripping from his voice as he put air quotes on "disappearances".

"Yeah, but I could always-"

"Hello there!"

Virgil jumped in surprise as Roman got in a protective stance at the sudden new voice that interrupted their conversation. Virgil quickly turned around and face the, now confused cardigan-clad boy, and almost sighed in relief to find it was Patton. Sure, they've seen each other around and such due to them being in multiple classes together but they never really interacted much besides school work and projects.

"Oh, it's just you Patton.." Virgil sighed in relief but then jolted in a bit of suprise when he suddenly felt strong muscular arms wrap around his waist. He looked up to see that it was Roman and relaxed slightly.

You see, since he and Virgil are bound together, Roman's obliged to protect his human. Even if he could easily destroy him, it would go against their contact wherein Virgil made Roman become his protector and caretaker in exchange for giving Roman half of his soul and well...and his body to be at... his disposal

"So, what's up, pat?" Virgil asked, not noticing how Roman glared at the dad-like teenager, "The sky." Patton answered with a bright smile on his face, completely unfazed by Roman's harsh glare. Virgil cracked a small smile at the joke, which made Roman let his guard down slightly, if a person manages to make his emo smile, they might be worth trusting.

"Anyways, kiddo, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out later with me and logie!" Patton said cheerfully, bouncing up and down every once in a while. Virgil smiled softly before it melted away, what if this was a set up by one of his bullies? What if he was just joking? What if he actually wanted to beat him up as well? No, no, he- he can't let that happen again please no-

"Virgil, are you alright? Do you need me to harm him?"  Roman whispered into his ear, snapping Virgil out of his thoughts. Virgil shook his head and mumbled a "m' fine.."

Patton had no idea what was happening but waited for Virgil to respond.

" Patton?" Virgil started, looking at Patton again, this time with caution and wariness, "who's 'logie'..?" Virgil asked.

Patton's eyes lit up and he began gushing about Logan, turns out that it was his boyfriend, "Oh! Speaking of boyfriends!" Patton suddenly exclaimed during his rant, " How about you invite your's over there!" He suggested pointing to Roman who was still hugging Virgil from behind. Both male's faces heated up at the indication that they were together.

"I- he...he- he's not exactly my boyfriend..." Virgil managed to stammer out, blushing harder. It's hard to put a label on Virgil's and Roman's relationship at the moment, sure, Roman protects and now currently takes care of him but...with an added "benefit", some would say.

Patton blinked , "Oh!" He said in surprise but quickly shook it off, "Still! You should invite him, the more the merrier!" He exclaimed.

Maybe Patton or this "Logan" wouldn't be so bad...

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