It's just a- ow!

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This was requested by ThunderHoltz and... I swear I saw some one comment something similar..but hey! Here you guys go!

Tw: bloody, injuries (very minor), mentions of death, crying and fluff
Virgil was pacing back and forth the Commons, biting his nails as multiple scenarios played in his head, some of which were gruesome and bloody- that made Virgil cringe and shudder at the images that came to mind. goddammit Princey! Why do you always do this?

"Virgil I think you should sit down and-"

"Patton I can't! What if he gets maimed? What if the DragonWitch- or whatever kills him?! What the fuck do I do then? Pat, I can't just sit down when Princey could be in fucking danger!" Virgil snapped shaking as he looked over to where Logan and Patton where sitting. Virgil bit his lip when he saw the subtle hurt on Patton's features.

"I- I'm so sorry pat, " Virgil apologized as he sighed, running his fingers through his already messy hair, " It's just's different now.. we just started dating and Roman suddenly goes on this quest that might hurt him? Not to mention, he didn't even tell me before he left, he just left a note on the table. How am I not supposed to freak out?" Virgil ranted, finally taking as seat on the couch, although he was still anxious. His leg was subtly shaking as he bit his nails.

Logan and Patton Shared a look.

"Virgil, I'm certain that Roman is more than capable than taking care of himself on these quests- he's been going on them for years, ever since he formed. Just trust Roman, Virgil." Logan said, placing a comforting hand on his anxious friend's shoulder. Virgil smiled slightly in appreciation of Logan's attempt at comfort but he still couldn't stop freaking out.

"But what if this time he doesn't take care of himself lo?" Virgil questioned, his shoulders sagging as he leaned forward on his lap.

"Kiddo, I'm sure that-"

"Greetings, my dear friends, I have returned from my quest!"

Virgil jumped up immediately and quickly made his way to Roman, stumbling a bit as he did so. He immediately rushed into his boyfriend's arms, relaxing into it. Roman was taken by surprise at his emo boyfriend's sudden hug but smiled and returned it anyway.

"What's gotten into you, my little emo?" Roman questioned as he began playing with Virgil's soft hair. Virgil soon pulled away from the hug and pushed him away in annoyance.

"You jerk! Do you know how fucking worried I was?!" Virgil exclaimed as he hugged himself, "I was so fucking worried that you were gonna get killed or something or-" Virgil gasped as he then slowly approached his boyfriend.

"Roman you fucking idiot, you're bleeding!" Virgil said, bringing his hand up to gently turn Roman's face to reveal a cut on his cheek that was bleeding. Roman sighed and grabbed Virgil's hand from his face.

"Love, it's just a-"

Roman was cut off by Virgil suddenly pulling him into the kitchen, "I don't care how small it is, you still got hurt, Roman," Virgil said as he sat Roman on one of the kitchen stools and brought out the medical kit. Roman couldn't help but chuckle at his boyfriend's extreme reaction. It was quite adorable to be honest.

"Kitten, I'm sure it's fine it's only a- ow!" Roman yelped as Virgil Suddenly brought a cotton pad covered in disinfectant to the bleeding cut, "shush, I was scared, Roman, " Virgil mumbled, his eyes glossing over slightly and that was when Roman realized just how scared Virgil truly was. Virgil shakily sighed as his hand trembled while disinfecting the wound.

Roman bit his lip and reached up to stop Virgil's hand momentarily. Virgil looked at Roman in surprise.

"Roman, what are you doing? I- I need to disinfect the cut.."

Roman just smiled slightly and tugged Virgil down into a hug, "I'm sorry, my dear, I didn't mean to scare you so much" he apologised, feeling Virgil collapse against him, "I-It's just that you made it sound like you were going to die, you fucking wrote something like a goodbye letter you dolt!" Virgil exclaimed, weakly hitting Roman.

Roman chuckled and pulled away, "that was my fault, I'm sorry love..." He apologised once again, his hand wiping some of the stray tears that fell off his love's face after a few minutes of crying and Roman apologising in between comforting words, virgil had calmed down a significant amount and was sat on Roman's legs.

"Are you feeling alright now, dear heart?," Roman asked as he played with Virgil's soft hair and brought the boy curled up on his lap closer. Virgil hummed and leaned against Roman's chest, his eyes closing for a moment.

"You better not do something like that again, Princey.." Virgil mumbled as Roman chuckled, Virgil could feel the vibrations as he rested on his chest, " I promise, StormCloud," Roman promised, a small smile on his face. They stayed silent for a while until Roman realized something.

" Don't you have to treat my cut?"

"Oh yeah.."

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