Skin care

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Welp haven updated this in so long so have this short fluff

Tw: none, tell me if there's any!

Roman always had his huge some care routine in the mornings which Virgil never really understood why. Sure, he didn't mind that his boyfriend was taking extra care of his skin but he was always annoyed a how long it takes him to put it all on

"How many skin care products do you need, Ro?" Virgil asked as he leaned against the bathroom's door frame lazily, his eyes looking like they were barely open. Virgil had just woken up and watched as Roman splashed his face with water then grabbed a tub with what looked like a gel of sorts

"A lot, " Roman answered as he spread said gel into his skin, "It takes a lot to get this flawless skin, darling," he said, looking to Virgil with one of his charming and smug smirks, gesturing to his skin. Virgil let out a small huff of laughter and fully walked in the bathroom, pushing his hair back as he stood next to his boyfriend

"But do you really need all of those clay masks and.." Virgil picked up a mask package that said "snail slime" and looked at it in confusion, "... slime masks... Ro where do you get this stuff? Isn't a face wash and moisturizer enough?" He asked. Roman just sighed, "well, no, not really," he said a he looked back to virgil who was going to brush his teeth, "your's and my skin are different types, my dear,"

Virgil shrugged as he spat out the paste and rinsed his mouth with water, "fair, but I still think you look pretty with or without the help of skin stuff," he said and lightly pecked Roman's lips before going to wash his own face, using a headband to keep his hair away from his face. Roman just chuckled at the small affection, "It nice knowing that you think that Dewdrop but I don't think I could live missing even moisturizing or my clay masks,"

Virgil shrugged once again, "And that's fine but you take too long and hog up most of the counter,"

"And your makeup doesn't?"


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