Lollipops (Cigarettes pt 2)

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(basically what the apartment looks like ^^)

Sorry for not updating a whole lot! I've been very in and off about my motivation and inspiration lately but here! Take this!

This takes place when they're in college already and they live in a pretty small but good apartment because Roman's loaded and I say so....

Tw: smoking, cigarettes, very brief mention of addictions (not Roman, though), college stress and deadlines.

Virgil woke up very late in the or very early in the morning, either way it was still dark out. He whined slightly when he no longer felt the familiar warmth that is his boyfriend next to him. He opened his eyes lazily blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the surroundings. He groaned as he slowly sat up and looked around the room in search of Roman, his eyes caught sight of the small movement coming through the glass sliding door that lead to the balcony.

Groggily, Virgil stood up and picked up a random jacket that was discarded on the floor and shrugged it on before he trudged his way over to the balcony. He sighed when he saw the small puffs of smoke that wafted and disperesed throughout the air. Roman had sworn off of smoking once they got out of highschool but there were a few times when they started college that he'd take one due to stress, this was one of those times.

Virgil quietly opened and closed the door, walking towards Roman afterwards and wrapped his arms around his waist slowly. He felt Roman tense slightly but let out a sigh as he loosened up and took another drag from the almost finished cigarette.

"Something bad happen, love?" Virgil asked as he buried his face in the between of Roman's shoulder blades. Roman let out long sigh, exhaling all of the smoke in his lungs and extinguished he cigarette on the steel railing, flicking it off to the side. He turned around to face Virgil and carefully wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist.

"Yeah, sorry my StormCloud.. it's no big deal just college stress and deadlines. Old habits die hard, I guess," Roman mumbled, pressing a soft kiss on Virgil's forehead. Virgil just hummed in response and buried his face in his chest, appreciating how warm he always seemed to be.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, Roman just smiled and huffed slightly, "no, not really love... although I really need a better coping mechanism, otherwise I'd never quit this stuff.." he said picking up the pack of cigarettes discarded on the round table on the side and looked at it. He had urge to throw it over the balcony but decided against it, instead chucking it at the wall, earning a small giggle from Virgil at the action.

"I guess we'll need lollipops now.." virgil mumbled with a smile on his face. Both Roman and Virgil knew that, after a bunch of research, that lollipops were a good substitute to cigarettes according to ex- smokers and addicts- although Roman wasn't addicted, but it was a good thing to know. Roman returned the smile.

Virgil suddenly felt a small gust of wind pass by and shivered slightly, readjusting the jacket around him and grabbed Roman's hands, "Come on, let's head back in and to bed, I have morning classes later and I need cuddles to sleep." Virgil urged tugging Roman along and opening the door Roman chuckled softly, muttering a small ok as Virgil did so.

They both got in, Roman closed the balcony door with a soft click as Virgil went straight to the bed. Roman turned around to their bed and laughed when he saw Virgil impatiently waiting for him, his arms wide open demanding cuddles. He walked over to his side of the bed and slid in, almost immediately being hit by Virgil flinging himself into him. Roman giggled as he felt Virgil nuzzle into his chest and pulled the cover over the both of them.

Roman wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and quickly relaxed into the warm blankets and the soft pillows, holding on securely to his love and felt himself drift off to sleep.

Virgil smiled as he watched Roman fall asleep and buried his face into his chest and closed his eyes, making a mental note to himself to get lollipops after his classes and fell asleep in Roman's arms.

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