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Eyo, can y' some love and support to ThunderHoltz? Their writing's really good and they have so much inspiration! They deserve so much more credit and love than they get! 💜💜💜

Now, with that aside, here's this messy-ish hurt/comfort thing I wrote!

Tw: crying, doubt, self depreciation, cursing

Roman had just came home from work, a little earlier that usual, but nothing too bad happened. All he wanted to do was cuddle up with his boyfriend, Virgil, maybe cook some dinner, but what Roman wasn't expecting was to find his love on the floor in front of the couch, visibly shaking and crying.

Roman wasted no time kneeling in front of him, "Virge? StormCloud? Can I touch you?" He asked softly, heart breaking slightly as he heard another sob come from the other. He waited patiently for Virgil to respond, eventually, Virgil lifted his head slightly and nodded, not daring to look up fully and let Roman see his messed up makeup or tears.

Roman quickly pulled Virgil into a hug, the smaller reciprocating weakly. Virgil kept on crying, hiccuping every so often while Roman rubbed his back soothingly as he muttered soft reassuring words and humming. After a while, Virgil ended up on Roman's lap, clinging onto his shirt as he buried his face in his shoulder. His loud sobs died down and have been reduced to soft sniffles and the occasional hiccup.

Roman gently lifted Virgil's face, careful to not force the other. Virgil hesitantly met his eyes with Roman's and found his boyfriend smiling at him patiently and lovingly, Virgil almost teared up at that. He didn't deserve this.

"I-I'm sorry.." Virgil softly apologized, averting his gaze, his voice slightly hoarse from the amount of crying he did before. Roman smiled patiently and ran his fingers through Virgil's messy yet soft hair, pressing a quick soft kiss on his head, "Nonsense, my dear. You have nothing to apologise about." Roman said softly yet firmly, bringing one of his hands to cup Virgil's cheek, making him face the beautiful man that he was lucky to call his.

"Now tell me, love, what happened? Who hurt you?" Roman asked, looking deep into his dearest's beautiful purple and green eyes. Virgil's breathing hitched slightly, God, he really didn't deserve this..

"I-...It-It's nothing.." Virgil mumbled, trying to tear his gaze away from the man in front of him but to no avail, his eyes couldn't focus on anything but him. Roman frowned slightly at that and cupped both his cheeks, brushing his thumb against his cheekbone ever to often.

"StormCloud, if it's enough to make you cry like this, I'm sure as hell it is something" Roman said as he brushed away a few of Virgil's tears. When did Virgil start crying again?

"It's just that...why me?" Virgil said weakly, getting out of Roman's comforting hold on his face and ducked his head down while curling in on himself, missing Roman's shocked face, " You could've done way better than me- heck! I might as well be shackling you from meeting your prince!" Virgil exclaimed his tears falling faster and dripping like light shower of rain.

"I- I'm just a huge, stupid, anxious mess who can't go a day without some sort of breakdown! A fucking burden who's too fucked up to the point I can't even get up in the morning..So why do you wanna stay with me? Why me?" Virgil sobbed, Curling even further into himself. Roman felt tears sting his eyes, is this really how Virgil saw himself?

"Because you're worth it." Roman said, gingerly taking Virgil's hand and kissing the back of it, making Virgil look at him with large tear-filled eyes in suprise. "love, I don't care how many breakdowns you've had, how many times you've cried, how many times you've had a depressive episode, I will always love you. And nothing can change that, it doesn't matter whether you're a mess or well-put together, it doesn't matter if you swear a lot or don't swear at all, it doesn't matter if you're pretty or not, I will always love you. And I am willing to face anything to help you, to see you smile and laugh, for you to feel loved and safe because that's all that matters to me."


" And I know that you have your doubts about whether or not I should be with you, but you're my everything. You're what keeps me going, you're who I always look forward to seeing, be it 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, heck even my whole life! What I'm saying is that you're perfect to me and I wouldn't want anyone else except you," Roman said earnestly, tears threatening to fall down. Virgil stared at him wide-eyed in shock and suprise, his tears flowing down his face like a never-ending steam.

Suddenly Virgil smiled, which then caused him to let out a small giggle, leading to him and Roman to start laughing uncontrollably. After a good 3 minutes of the couple laughing, they calmed down with big smiles on their faces and happy tears running down their face.

"C'mere, you dork.." Virgil mumbled as he pulled Roman in for a soft kiss that he happily returned, they kissed until their lungs ached for oxygen. The couple smiled as they broke away.

"I love you, StormCloud.."
  "I love you too, Princey.."

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