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I found this prompt on Tumblr and I couldn't resit it, although I don't think I did it justice 😅

Tw: Cursing, mentions of past ritual, demonic references....Roman is a fucking demon guys, what the heck do you expect? Oh! Also slight citrus mentioned.

“You’re nothing but a human, and I’m more powerful than you could ever hope to be!  I shouldn’t have to do anything you say!”

“May I remind you that you are the one who agreed to this contract. You knew damn well what you were getting yourself into when you bound yourself to me.”

Roman sighed, exasperated at the human in front of him. He knew that he agreed to the contract, he knew of what he had to do once he was bound to this human but he just can't help but feel like he's some sort of slave! He's a fucking demon for hell's sake! He shouldn't be this- this spoiled emo's personal servant!

Roman frustratedly ran his hands through his hair, "Remind me just why you tried summoning me in the first place?!" Roman groaned, dragging his hands down his face.

The human just shrugged with a beautiful smirk on his face, "I dunno, Roman. I was young and dumb, I didn't know what I was doing and I was fuckin desperate but..." Virgil stepped closer to him, making the demon step back and blush slightly at his human's sudden change in behaviour.

Virgil trailed his hand from Roman's to up to his arm and then finally to Roman's jaw, gently placing his hand upon it and caressing it ever so often, the human stared intently into the Demon's deep red eyes. He leaned forward, standing on his toes due to Roman being almost a foot taller, and whispered something into the demon's ear that made him flush even more.

"I don't regret it, " Virgil drew back from the intimacy he previously shared with Roman, smiling when he saw his deep red face, almost as deep of a red as his eyes, "so, I don't think I'll ever break our bond, even if you hurt me." Virgil said, smiling and he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Roman was...well, astonished by the amount of trust this human had put in him. Him? A demon? What in the ever burning hell was this boy thinking?

"You do know you can't ever trust a demon.." Roman warned as he crossed his arms, leaning against a wall that was nearby. "Yeah, I know." Virgil said with a bright smile on his face and, by the devil, Roman would do anything to protect that smile, not only due to the binding of their souls, he would genuinely do anything for his precious human, even if it meant facing Satan himself.


A little bit of explanation;

Virgil summoned Roman when he was around 17 (he's 22 now) and he was in a really bad place at the time.

His biological parents died a few years back and was placed into a foster home where the foster parents were...not so nice. Not to mention that he was constantly being bullied, tormented, and beaten up at his highschool. He had no friends, no one to turn to. He just wanted to be fucking happy...for once..

So he made the stupid decision to attempt to...

summon a demon.

He never really thought it would fucking work but there he was, a fucking demon. Standing right in front of him, a fucking good-looking demon at that.

Virgil didn't fucking know what to do-

So in a fit of gay panic and in distress, Virgil made a contract with the demon that he would protect him and take care of him in exchange for...well...something the demon had a gain on. (*Cough* *cough)

Throughout the few last years of Virgil's highschool years, Roman had disguised himself as a student- but now's not really the time to go into that.

Better tune in next time!

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