Bad day

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Requested by: ExplainThatCode

Prompts: "please open the door" "shit! I didn't mean that!" "You'd think I'd drop my walls for just anyone?" (< I don't know how to incorporate this one, sorry)

I don't know about this one but enjoy, I guess...

Tw: cursing, awkward reactions, let me know if I need to put more!

Virgil sighed heavily as he frustratedly pulled at his hair while he walked his way to his apartment, groaning angrily as his mind drifted back to what happened at work earlier.

Work was a bitch. almost all of his co-workers dumped a lot of work on him because they didn't have the fucking guts in them to actually do any of the work. He had to pull all of the shit they needed to do and afterward they took all the credit...maybe he should just quit this company and go work where else. Someplace without those bitches.

Virgil made it to his apartment door and angrily stomped inside, catching the attention of the princely male in the living room. He watched as Virgil stomped over to the couch and flopped on the opposite side Roman was sitting on, groaning loudly into the cushions.

"What happened, love?" Roman asked standing up and kneeling next to his boyfriend. Virgil groaned and turned his head to face Roman, his cheeks squishing against the couch.

"My co-workers are bitches. I did all the shit and they took the credit" Virgil explained, turning his head back to its original position, hoping to suffocate himself.

"That sucks, stuff like that shouldn't happen," was all Roman could say, not knowing how to respond, "I mean, it's not like I've ever experienced it, my co-workers were always up for helping each other- in fact, no one was at all like that..."

Virgil frowned as he listened to Roman awkwardly ramble about how his co-workers were nice and he felt a little of that anger resurface. Virgil sat up and groaned a bit.

"Roman, can you please shut up about how great your co-workers are. considering my mood right now, I honestly wouldn't want to listen about anything mentioning work or co-workers!" Virgil snapped, "honestly Roman, to please have some consideration, you vain prince"

Virgil stopped when he realized what he was doing and saw the shocked look on his boyfriend's face, "shit! I didn't mean that!" Virgil clamped his hand and stood up, "I- I'm going to our room.." Virgil quickly walked into their room, shutting and locking the door. Maybe he should just isolate himself until he starves...

Roman quickly got up and went to their room, frowning when he found their door to be locked, "please open the door..." Roman pleaded, staring at the plain brown door. He perked up slightly heard some shuffling but the door didn't open. Roman sighed shakily.

"Vee? Love, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel worse..." Roman apologized, feeling quilt eat at him slightly. Why did he even start talking about his co-workers anyway? that just stupid.

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who shouted at you.." Roman heard Virgil say on the other side of the door. Roman just shook his head, " but I'm the one who stupidly rambled on about my co-workers"

"You're not stupid..."

Roman chuckled as he heard the obvious pout in his voice, "I know I'm not" he said while giggling a bit. There was a beat of silence until Roman broke it.

"Love?" Roman called out, getting a questioning hum from the one on the other side of the door, "how about you come out and we can watch some movies while cuddling? How's that sound?" Roman suggested, waiting patiently for Virgil's response.

"Maybe...." He hears Virgil mumble softly and some shuffling from behind the door but this time, the door opened, revealing a slightly upset Virgil. Roman smiled and reached out and pulled Virgil into a hug.

"Now let's go cuddle, yeah?" Roman asked as he pulled away and took Virgil's hand. Virgil couldn't help but smile a bit at his boyfriend. Roman sat them down on the couch and put on some movies that he knew Virgil liked and situated himself next to Virgil, wrapping his arms around him securely as his boyfriend laid his legs over his.

They watched the movie in silence, a few affectionate kisses and "I love you"s exchanged between them. Virgil sighed and he leaned even further into Roman, feeling a lot better about what happened. It seemed that Roman always seemed to somehow make him feel better. He smiled and watched the movie, forgetting about the whole work fiasco.

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