The Surface

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Your P.O.V.

We knew this wouldn't be easy. In fact we knew it would be down right impossible, but we held hope. The hope gained from finally breaking the barrier.

Hope that was crushed when we saw the first human, then the first house, and then the first city near Mt. Ebbot. Everyone looked either disgusted with the humans for turning us away or filled with disappointment.

For now, everyone was camping in the clearing around Mt. Ebbot.

"I told you the surface wasn't going to welcome us with open arms..." I said to Sans.

His face hadn't changed since we got back from the city. He was beyond pissed. Him and I finally got everyone up to the surface, where we rightfully belonged, only to be turned away by humanity.

"I know that, but I expected them to at least let us say something before running off to have a 'meeting'." He used air quotes to signify his frustration.

We, or maybe I should say I, tried to talk to the police and government officials who showed up once people started panicking. Everyone at this point thought the story about Mt. Ebbot had been a fairy tale. When they saw the monsters and realized it was more than a fable...well they would need to speak among themselves.

"Look, I know things aren't going the smoothest but at least we got up here. We may have been stopped for a bit but look up there," I said pointing to the sky.

The day had come and gone since we had been to the city so I watched Sans look up. His eyes somehow grew wider even though I was sure eye sockets couldn't do that. Point was, he saw the stars. Not the puny rocks on the top of the cave in the Underground. No, these were real stars.

"This is the reward today, we'll work for the next one tomorrow and the next. For now, let's enjoy the one we have."

Sans looked back down to me. "Of all the stars in the sky, the prettiest stands before me."

I felt heat rise to my face and I gave a bit of a pout, "Silly skeleton."

His arms wrapped around me and I wrapped mine around him.

"I'm your silly skeleton, you chose this remember?"

I giggled. "Of course I remember."

We both looked at the sky again and were silent for a moment.


"Yeah, Sweetheart?"

"What ever happened to Flowey?"

".....why are you askin about that dumb weed?"

"It's just...was he a one hit wonder or somethin? He broke us up and then he disappeared."

"I know....but maybe somethings are better left unknown."

I chewed my lip in thought.

But why? I mean what was the point of breaking us up? There has to be a bigger that isn't fully painted yet.

"Sweetheart?" Sans said, bringing me back to reality.


"I'm gonna regret this wanna go see if we can find him?"

I looked at Sans. He hated even the thought of Flowey, I could tell. But somehow he was willing to feed my curiosity.

I nodded.

"Okay...we'll go tomorrow mornin...all this runnin around has me bone tired."

I giggled. Maybe being back on the surface wasn't all bad...not with Sans here. I knew one day though...I'd have to face my friends and family again.

Someone Really Cares About You (Sans x Depressed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now