A New Challenger Appears

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Your P.O.V.

We got up bright and early the next morning...is what I would say if I wasn't still wanting to go back to bed.

We wanted to leave early so we could be back in time to deal with the city again when our friends needed us.

I recalled the conversation Sans had with Asgore the night before as we went back underground.

"We uhh...need to go back to check some things out...nothing bad just...we need to make sure," Sans said worriedly.

Asgore looked at Sans with a knowing glance. Although he made some wrong choices those eyes still held the wisdom of a king.

"If you...if you find something....something better off being untold....well some secrets are better off forgotten."

"...Asgore what are you implying?"

"We had two children after all....and their end was not pretty....it would not surprise me if....something got left behind."

As we entered the underground it felt empty. The feeling of everything being alive was gone. All that was left was unsettling sounds.

"Where is Flowey even gonna be?" I asked.

"Most probable is either the True Lab or where you fell," Sans answered.

"The True Lab?"

"Yeah, that's where I found the weed the day he made me break up with you."

"I don't quite understand his goal...did he know it would be a breaking point for me? And even so why would he want me gone?"

"I'm guessing it had to do with Chara."

I remembered the talk in waterfall immediately.

"Hmm...do you really think she made Frisk do all those awful things?"

"Part of me wants that to be true...but I can't be certain. Another part of me thinks Frisk's curiosity got the better of her."

"Why does Flowey want to help Chara so badly? I know they were siblings but..."

"I don't quite get it either...from what I remember Chara treated Asriel like shit."

We finally arrived at the true lab. We went down elevator and walked into the first room.

"Howdy guys! I see you finally made it!" Flowey had been waiting for us...

His demonic laugh rang through the room.

Sans was wrapped up in vines before he could say anything.

Without even thinking a s/c bubble formed around Sans.

How did I even-

"Sorry y/n, but that bubble won't do much good. It might keep me out but...I doubt you know how to undo it."

A growling sound came from Sans and I glared at Flowey.

"The hell do you want with him!?"

"Leverage, ever heard of it? I can't hurt you after that promise I made but...him on the other hand."

"What is your goal with all of this?"

"Ooo right to the point, I like it. Well you know that my sibling is dead. They're pretty upset their play toy is gone. But now you're here. You've had your turn, now it's Chara's!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I meannn you're going to allow them to take your place."

"Like hell."

Flowey laughed again. "And as soon as your magic is worn out Sans is mine again, you're just gonna let him get hurt cause you won't take the deal?"

I looked at Sans for answers, what was I supposed to do here?

"Don't take it sweetheart...please...I can take this weed."

"And if it was the other way around Sans?"

Sans went silent.

"The clock is ticking y/n it's now or never," a childs voice said, ringing through the room.

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