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Your P.O.V.

Everything was black and I realized I was back in the void. I was alone.

But not for long.

Chara showed up in front of me with a giggle.

"Hiii y/n. It's been a day..or two...I don't really know or care."

I tried to say something but I couldn't move my mouth.

They giggled again, "Did you like being reminded of me all day? Watching your scared face was hilarious. I'm surprised Asriel didn't see me that last time though."

Chara backed up and snapped their fingers. Sans appeared in front of them, all tied up.

"Now I wonder, why would he be here? Oh yeah, I need your body. Maybe, just maybe, you'll cave after watching me torture him."

Chara's laughs surrounded me and all I could do was to watch her hurt Sans and listen to his screams.

I woke up in a cold sweat and a concerned looking Sans.

"Was it them?" He asked.

I nodded and he just held me as I cried. He ran his finger bones through my hair, trying to comfort me. Eventually I was able to catch my breath.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do Sans...what if they come after you? What if they come after mom or Papyrus or-"

"Tell them," Flowey said out of no where. I didn't even know he was awake.

"What?" I asked.

"Tell them about Chara and I. Make them aware of what we're facing so they can be ready if something does happen."

"He's right..." Sans said. "It will stress them out but...they need to know."

"Yeah...I guess...what time is it?"

Sans checked his phone, "5 a.m."

I sighed, "Sorry for waking you guys up..."

"It's not your fault hun, it's that murderous brat."

I snuggled into Sans with my head in his chest. "I don't know if I can fall back asleep after that..."

"That's okay, I'll stay up with you, I'm gonna stay right here, okay?"

I nodded in his chest and just kinda took him in. He smelled of ketchup and cologne. You would think someone made of bones would be hard to lay with but he was actually weirdly comfortable. He was also always warm. I didn't know how that was possible but monsters were made of love and magic.

Eventually the sun rose and so did Sans and I. The fix up crew must have gotten to our house when we were gone because the fridge and stove were fixed up.

"How about I go shop for some food? We don't have much here," I asked.

Sans kinda stopped for a moment. I could tell a bunch of thoughts went through his head at once.

"How about you take Flowey with you in a bag or somethin? I don't want you goin alone with Chara around like this...I get why I can't go with you into town but..."

"Okay, that's fine."

I went upstairs and grabbed some clothes. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Then I saw them in the mirror. They had black goo running down their face and their eyes had turned black. They held up a dusty knife like they were about to come through the mirror and stab me. I almost screamed but I just stood there and watched with wide eyes.

"Oh come on y/n...why didn't you scream? I know you wanted to," Chara giggled and disappeared from the mirror.

I had apparently been holding my breath because I breathed in sharply when I found myself alone again. I took a moment to collect myself and finally got dressed.

I was beginning to think that I was living a nightmare and not just having them...

Someone Really Cares About You (Sans x Depressed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now