Finally Living

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Your P.O.V.

"So uh...what happened with Chara?" I asked.

"They came to terms with not killing everyone...mostly..." Sans answered.


"Hey, be glad we got that far....honestly though it seemed a bit too easy...either way Alphys is working on getting them a body that won't fade away."

I sighed, "While I'm glad they calmed down some and listened to reason...can we really trust them?"

"I dunno...but I knew if I just let them rot you'd probably be upset..."

"We'd be no better than them if we did that. I want everyone to be nice to them but be cautious...we don't know if they'll assimilate to how life will be now for them willingly..."


After Sans said that there was a knock on the bedroom door. 

"The pie is done, if you two want to come down and get some," Asgore said through the door.

I sighed. The last thing I wanted was to get up and face them. I knew that I was supported and that Sans was here for me still seemed difficult. 

"Cmon sweetheart...I know that look on your face, everything is gonna be okay, I promise."

I nodded and sat up with Sans. We both went downstairs and came into the kitchen. They were all looking at us as we entered. They seemed unsure of what to do.

"I-i'm fine guys..."

Toriel started tearing up and Papyrus started bawling. The next thing I knew, I was in a group hug with everyone, including Flowey.

Everyone started telling me that they cared about me and were going to be there for me. I started crying too and couldn't say thanks enough times. After everyone calmed down we had Toriel's pie and...spaghetti pie? I wasn't sure how they made it but between Papyrus and Toriel it actually turned out pretty decent.

Things seemed slow at first but...I started opening up again. Sans and I talked to Alphys and she figured out a way for me to get therapy. She was also getting along famously with getting Chara a body. Everyday got better and better. Misty was able to change people's minds about monsters with her petition and soon monsters were allowed in the city. At first people were fearful but after getting to know the kind monsters they were kind back. Things were looking up and I felt like I was actually alive and living again. I could tell Sans was feeling the same way too. After a couple weeks all of monster kind had smiles on their faces.

And then Asgore gave a speech that left everyone speechless.

"As you all know, we have made amends with the humans who have gracefully allowed us into their city. This did not come easy but with Misty's help and y/n's suggestions we made it. I want you all to know that things may not be as  easy up here as they were in the Underground. Humans are accepting us yes but...there will always be someone who isn't happy. Please be kind to them even if they aren't so kind to us. With that being said, the surface is filled with possibilities. The humans have so many jobs and opportunities that I believe we can all one day share. Try hard and don't give up on any dreams you might have of things you can do here, and thank you all for being the best kingdom I could wish for. I know I no longer have power here but you have all shown me a respect here I did not expect, again thank you all."

A/n: I know this part is a little short but I wanted to ask you all something important. This story could go in two different ways from the way I want to write it, but I truly believe it can not go both. Now I leave my dear readers with a choice. Do you want the rest of the story to be more about 




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