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Your P.O.V.

The room went dark after I heard Chara laugh.

"Let's talk one on one y/n. I'm sure you'll understand me. After all, you and I are more alike than you think."

From the shadows walked a skinny child in a green sweater with yellow stripes. Their eyes were hidden by their hair but I swear I saw a hint of red.

"What do you mean that we are alike? I'm pretty sure I'm not a murderous little kid."

"Yes, that's our difference, but our pasts are so's like it was fate."

I looked at Chara with an unbelieving look. I wanted to be nothing like this child yet I wanted to know what the hell they meant.

"I too lost my dad and didn't have a great child hood experience. Only instead of my mother just going silent and giving up on doing anything, she added beating me and drinking to the mix."

"While I can sympathize, your past doesn't justify your actions Chara."

"Oh, okay, so your cutting and suicidal thoughts from before aren't justified?"

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it. I didn't urge my brother to kill a village of humans, and I didn't urge another kid to kill all the monsters in the underground and give up their soul."

"All collateral, I mean wouldn't you do anything to stop being a useless spirit? Trapped here forever?"

"I might try and find a way but I wouldn't hurt anyone to do it. You put Sans through hell over and over just so that you can escape."

"And my father killed 6 children before I did anything! The king of the underground spilt blood too, why shouldn't I?"

"What he did wasn't right either Chara."

"I'm done with this conversation. Clearly I'll get no where talking with you. I guess I'll just kill you myself, since you can't seem to even do that for me."

Chara soon had a knife in their hand. I don't know how but I deflected it with my own s/c blade. I knew it as a rapier right away. Before I had fallen, I was really into swords and weapons so of course I recognized it.

Despite Chara having fought Sans I was holding my ground quite well. Perhaps the soul bond had come in more handy than I thought it would.

After a while though I started breaking a sweat and the bubble I had previously put around Sans had appeared around me.

Chara yelled out in frustration that they couldn't get to me.

"I'll be back later, maybe what will break you will be isolation. In the mean time, I'm gonna go have fun with that comedian," they said laughing.

I watched Chara leave into the abyss.

I was utterly a l o n e.

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