Settling Things

830 46 31

*Trigger warning*

Your P.O.V.

I felt numb. I was just sitting there, staring into the abyss that was the void. I had given up. Sans wasn't coming, no one was. All that I had was me. That was the mistake here. I took off the jacket I was wearing and just looked at it. It was f/c with white lining. The reminder of Sans made...something bubble inside of me. I wasn't sure what it was but I knew what I wanted to do with that jacket so desperately...

After one had come for was clear no one missed me....maybe it was time to go.

But then....everything was lit up around me. I closed my eyes from the brightness and felt arms wrap around me.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you're back, are you okay?" I heard Sans ask. He sounded like he was in pain.

I tried opening my eyes but it was still really bright.

"Sans..." my voice was barely a whisper. "C-can you turn off the lights in here?'s too bright."

Sans's P.O.V.

I turned off all the lights in the living room and pulled the curtains. When y/n finally opened her eyes she looked blank. Like all the life she had in her before had disappeared.

I had started feeling pain in my soul, like actual stabbing pains before Chara had brought her back from the void. Like the soul bond was hurting because she was.

I sat in front of her again. "Y/n...what's wrong?"

"You never came looking for one did....I have no idea how long I was in there felt like a year. Why did you leave me there Sans? Why did you leave me alone for that long?"

I winced. "Hun...that can't be right, last time we felt like we were in there for a day and 2 weeks had passed..."

"Time moves differently in there for different people, to you it might be a day, to others it can be years," Chara said from the wall they were leaning against.

"'s only been 10 minutes for us..."

Her dull eyes glazed over with tears and I felt my heart break. I hugged her as she sobbed into my jacket. I can't imagine...being alone in that dark place for a year...eventually she was quiet and I realized she was asleep. With that the pain in my soul eased. I gave Chara a glare and carried y/n up to our room. I laid her down on our bed and put a blanket over her. Then I made my way back down to the living room.

"So...Chara...what are you going to do now?" I asked with a bit of an edge.

"Well I doubt you guys want me here...I was planning on going back to the underground. Unless you have some miracle plan to get me my own body?"

"No...but Alphys might."

Chara snorted, "The yellow dinosaur who mad my soulless brother? Who put a ghost in a robot and called it 'creating life'?"

" you even have a soul?"

"I mean...yeah but technically it's not mine. It's Frisk's..."

I grunted, "Are you attached to it?"

"I think so..."

"Then Alphys can do something. Let me give her a call."

Chara looked at the floor, "After the tons of times I killed you and all of your friends I thought I'd never say this but...thanks comedian."

Toriel and Asgore looked up questioningly. I had explained Chara's plan but...I hadn't mentioned the resets...I waved it off though.

"Don't mention it kid, as long as you don't hurt anyone anymore and tibia honest I think y/n would kill me if I didn't."

Chara and Papyrus groaned while Toriel snickered.

I made the call. Alphys was happy to do it but seemed a little off about it. I shrugged it off as her old regrets coming back to haunt her...but I wish she saw that most of those mistakes we Gaster's and not hers.

"Well kid, she's ready for ya, just head over to her house, it's the fish one with a building next to it."

"What, did Undyne decide to rebuild her old house here or something?" Chara asked with a laugh.

"Actually yeah, now get out, no offense."

"Alright, alright," Chara said leaving.

Toriel and Asgore looked kinda lost, Flowey just looked like his normal pissed off self, and Papyrus had a hard look on his face.

"Uh...Tori how about you make a pie? I'm sure Papyrus would love to help."

She looked startled, "Ah...sure Sans. I'm sure y/n would like some comfort food when she wakes up."

She went to the kitchen and Papyrus started to follow before I grabbed his arm.

"You doin alright bro?"


"Of course bro, you're the greatest, now go make an awesome pie with Tori."

Papyrus lit up and walked into the kitchen.

"So...I think we should talk Asgore."

A/n: Just so you know technically if y/n had been in the void for a year the would go blind from lack of light, probably deaf from lack of sound, and wouldn't be able to talk from not talking for that long. But that wouldn't move along my story mwhahaha

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