A Family

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple days now. Gaster has been hanging out with his sons a lot, catching up and really getting to know the two of them. They seem to be having a lot of fun, but Gaster still has a weird look in his eye every time he looks at me. Sans has been suspicious of it but he hasn't had the chance to ask what it's about. Today I intend to.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Gaster and Papyrus making spaghetti together while Sans just watched. They looked like they were having a lot of fun but...I needed to know.


"Yes y/n?"

"Can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

He looked up from the tomatoes he was chopping and gave me a questioning look but nodded.

He followed me as I lead him to a near by park. I sat down on a bench facing the playground and patted the seat beside me. He sat down next to me and watched the children play.

"Why do you always look at me like that?"

He seemed slightly shocked and looked at me.

"Like what?"

"Like...you recognize me...like you have seen my face before."

He looked back at the playground and sighed.

"When I was young...when I met my wife, I met your grandmother. She was a friend of Arial's. She looked exactly like you when she was alive. I at least assume she was your grandmother looking back on her age and yours. I have to say, you act just like her too. It's like I'm sent back to that time every time you're around...and to be honest, I can't think of a better lady for my boy. The look you and him share every time you see each other...it was the look I gave Arial. I can tell you two are perfect for each other, I'm glad to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law."

I looked at him in wonder for a moment and then smiled, "Thanks...Dad."

He started tearing up and gave me a hug, which I gladly excepted.

 A few days later

Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, Chara, Flowey, Sans, Papyrus, Mettaton, Gaster, and I were gathered in the clearing. I was setting up the camera to take some photos. There was a lot of shuffling and Mettaton trying to do fancy poses and almost knocking people over but eventually everyone was in place. 

"Smile everyone!" I said giggling. "I'm setting the timer for 10 seconds so you better all look pretty by then!"

"Well I always look fabulous darling," Mettaton said.

"Let's hurry up and do this so I can get back to kickin butts!" Undyne shouted.

"U-Undyne!" Alphys squealed.

Toriel gave them that 'you better stand still' mom look.

"Alright, alright everyone please get ready," Asgore said.

"I'M ALWAYS READY!" Papyrus shouted.

Sans chuckled and Gaster just shook his head.

"Okay, I'm hitting the button!" I yelled and then quickly got in place.

Eventually the flash went off and I ran back to look at it.

I started tearing up looking at the beautiful photo.

"What's wrong Sweetheart?" Sans asked walking up to me to look at the photo as well.

"It's just...we really look like a family."

The End.

A/n: I had so much fun writing this but honestly this one came with a lot more writer's block then the first one. I knew where I wanted to get to but getting there was another fact. I'm sorry if the last couple parts don't feel like they were well thought out, I honestly don't feel like it was my best work. I really wanted to make a second book because I felt like I could with where the first one left off but I like the first one a lot better than this one. I guess this one felt kind of fan servicey? I am happy with some of the writing in this one, don't get me wrong but a lot of it didn't feel like me. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it even if it ended up as kinda a slog to write it at the end. But seeing as how I feel about this one I think the story should end here. I was thinking about doing some Undertale one shots of the different Sans from AUs x reader style but I'm not sure if I want to anymore, I may end up doing that but it won't be any time soon. I am thinking about doing a Mystic Messenger fan fic soon though if any of you would be interested in that, but till next time my awesome readers!

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