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Your P.O.V.

"I told them what's been goin on..." Sans answered.


I finally shut the door behind me and put away the groceries. I came back into the living room and sat on the floor. Almost everyone were giving me looks of pity.

"'re freaking me out a bit."

"It's just...we aren't sure what to do my child...and the fact that Chara is in your head...messing with you..." Toriel answered. 

"Look...I can handle it. I've got you guys to get me through it and I used to deal with things like this all the time. I just need to know what we're gonna do..."

"Making us aware was the first step. I'm glad you and Sans made the decision to tell us...that can not have been easy," Asgore said.

"Yeah, but what now?" Sans asked.

Papyrus suddenly burst into tears. Sans immediately went over to comfort him.

"What's wrong bro?"


Flowey popped out of my bag.

"Chara wants to do this because of humanity. Humanity hurt them so they want to hurt humans back. And since I messed up they wants to believe that monsters are bad too. Just because I wanted to be a pacifist and not hurt those humans. Chara has always been messed up, even when they first fell."

Asgore sighed, "Please don't speak of your sibling like that Asriel...I know what they are doing is wrong but...they were our family too."

Toriel's eyes went wide.

"No! Chara is no longer a part of our family so I will speak of them how I wish! They hurt me dad! They used me and stabbed me in the back! I wish they had actually died that day instead of becoming some stupid spirit to haunt me for eternity!"

The room was silent until Toriel started crying, realizing what had happened to her poor children. Asgore rubbed her back as she cried.

And of course that's when Chara appeared in the room.

"Aww look Azzy. You mad mom sad," She giggled. "I didn't really think you fools would tell everyone about my plan...I guess things will have to move forward a bit."

Then everything went dark. I was in the fucking void. Again. This time though, Chara was not there. I screamed out in frustration.

"I'm sick of this messed up game you're playing Chara! Come in here and fight me like you've wanted to do since the beginning!"

I taunted but...nobody came.

"You can't keep leaving me here, I know you'll get bored eventually!"

I yelled but...nobody came.

"I'm sick and tired of being the damsel in distress."

I growled but....nobody came.

Nobody came.

Nobody came.

N o b o d y c a m e .

N o b o d y c a m e

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Sans's P.O.V.

When I saw y/n vanish before my eyes I yelled out. I wasn't even sure if I had said anything in the yell because I was so mad that she was gone again. My head immediately swiveled towards Chara and a cage of bones popped up around them.

"I'm done playing these fucking games. Bring her back, NOW."

I wasn't angry in the 'let's yell at everyone till we get our way' I was angry in the 'you better fucking do as I say or you're gonna die' way. My voice was mostly level and everyone seemed freaked out by it.

Chara just giggled. I was hating every second of it. 

"No I think she can spend some time alone again, after all I almost had her last time I did that. Nowww let's see. Which one of you will I kill first? Hmm Papyrus seems like fun...remember all the times Frisk crushed his skull Sans? All the times he trusted us till his last breath?"

The bones in the cage went through them but nothing happened. It just looked like they were a ghost or something. But even monster ghosts could be hurt.

"Ohhh comedian, you sure know how to do your job," They stepped out of the bones. "But I have something a bit extra this time, I learned how this whole spirit biz really works. Now I can hurt you but you can't hurt me."

Vines wrapped around them again. 

"Maybe they can't Chara but I can. I don't have a soul. I can do whatever I want with you, and I think there are some people here who wanna talk with you," Flowey said with a smirk.

Toriel and Asgore came up behind Flowey with their arms crossed and looks of rage on their faces.

"Shit," was all Chara had to say.

Someone Really Cares About You (Sans x Depressed!reader)Where stories live. Discover now