The Forest

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Your P.O.V.

After I checked on Flowey and made sure he was good to be left alone the rest of the day, Sans and I went to where Grillby had set up his new restaurant...which ended up as a food stand for the moment. We really didn't have much.

We got some food and sat at a picnic table near by. Sans had a bottle of ketchup and I had fries. It reminded me back when we were in the Underground and Sans was first telling me about the echo flowers. God, that seemed like a million years ago...even if it had only been like three weeks.

"Hey, Sans?"

"Yeah sweetheart?"

"I uh...saw something weird when I went to go check on Flowey..."

"What did you see?"

"I uh thought I saw Chara in that broken mirror...creepy huh?"

Sans stopped for a moment. 

"I thought maybe I was just stressed out with all the stuff that happened in the true lab and when we got back or something..."

"Maybe...if you see them again you gotta tell me though, okay?"

I nodded, "Of course, I wouldn't hide something like this from you."

"That's good to hear, especially since I don't have ears."

I giggled and went back to my fries.

"Something is off though," Sans said.

"What is it?"

"How did Dad know how we could leave, and how did he know he couldn't?"

"I dunno...he's been in there for a long time though, right? Maybe he tried something we don't know about."

"It's just weird. I researched everything I could and did so many damn experiments to get him back. I didn't even know about the mixing magic thing, so how did he?"

" I dunno Sans...but it was really weird when he saw me..."

"Whadya mean?"

"He almost...looked like he recognized me?"

"How would that be? The last time he was on the Surface was during the war, and neither of us were alive then."

"Maybe I look a lot like someone he knew back then?"

"Maybe...a bit of a stretch but ya never know..."

Sans and I finished our food up and just kinda sat there for a minute. It was really nice out, it was sunny but it wasn't too hot and there was just a slight breeze. It reminded me of all the time I spent in the forest around Mt. Ebbot. Part of the only reason I had known the hole from the folk tales was really there was because I used to play in that area all the time as a kid. There was this really nice clearing on the opposite side of Mt. Ebbot that stretched for miles. It was filled with flowers and small critters. There was also a creek on one side of that area where I used to hunt for frogs. I really missed that place...



"I wanna show you something, up for an adventure?"

"As long as it's with you sweetheart."

"Hey, don't  get too sappy on me."

"Is my affection too sweet for you?"

"Maybe, good thing I'm a hopeless romantic."

Sans and I walked off towards the forest. When we got there I felt a little giddy. 

"I used to play around here all the time as a kid."

"Really? Your parents let you wander through the woods?"

"As long as I didn't climb the mountain they didn't care. Though I broke that rule a few times because I was curious."

"Huh, seems kinda dangerous."

"Maybe it was, but I loved every minute of it. I used to let my imagination run wild here. I would pretend to be a pirate or sometimes a knight or a survivalist," I sighed. "Things were so much simpler back then."

"Would you go back if you could?"

"Sometimes I wish I could but...deep down I know I wouldn't trade the life I have now for the world. You guys made me happy again. I can finally live my life knowing I am enough."

Sans looked kinda sad, "I still wish you wouldn't have to had gone through what you did and I wish you wouldn't have had to deal with those thoughts."

"It's okay Sans. Everyday I'm getting better, look at me," I giggled and twirled in between trees. "I'm happier with you guys. You're my new family and I love all of you."

Sans chuckled, "C'mon, where's that place you were wanting to show me?"

"We're almost there, though it's not as cool as the echo flowers."

"If it's a place you enjoy I'm sure I'll like it too."

"God you're a sappy skele." 

I then saw something out of the corner of my eye and had to do a double take. Nothing was there though. But then I saw it again from the other direction. Was that a flash of y

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