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This is the second book to this story, so if you haven't read that go read it first! The first book is Just give up, I did. And please be aware this is not a lighthearted story all the way through and if you are triggered by this story at all, STOP READING. Thank you.

"I'm sick of this messed up game you're playing -----! Come in here and fight me like you've wanted to do since the beginning!"

I taunted but...nobody came.

"You can't keep leaving me here, I know you'll get bored eventually!"

I yelled but...nobody came.

"I'm sick and tired of being the damsel in distress."

I growled but....nobody came.

Nobody came.

Nobody came.

N o b o d y c a m e .

It was so fucking dark.

Dark. Darker. Y e t D a r k e r.

"NO!" I screamed. I wasn't sure how since my voice was already hoarse from screaming.

After one had come for was clear no one missed me....maybe it was time to go.

A/n: I wanted to make sure everyone is aware that I in no way want to promote self harm or glorify depression. If you feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts PLEASE talk to a loved one or a professional. The reason I wrote these stories was to get out some of my past experiences and feelings. I also wanted people who have gone through similar things to not feel as alone.

I still haven't finished this story so I will be posting parts every other day to give myself time and not pressure myself (as I tend to do). Most of the story is done as far as I can tell but I want to be on the safe side. Have fun reading, and take care of yourselves!

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