Going Into Town

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Your P.O.V.

I grabbed Flowey and put him in a small side bag I had found. He wasn't too happy about having to come with me but I think he understood.

I walked with him to town, thankfully with no sighting of Chara again. But we did run into Misty who was again in a business outfit.

"Oh hey y/n! Where are you off to?" She asked.

"I'm going into town to pick up some things. Since we just moved we don't have much in the way of ingredients and things."

"Oh...come to think of it most of the monsters don't do they?"

"Not really..."

She sighed, "Another thing to bring up to the next board meeting. I swear if they don't start taking this seriously and letting monsters into town I'll rip someone's head off."

"It does suck...but I'm glad we have someone like you to help us out, imagine if we got someone who didn't care about what happened to the monsters? Things would never change."

"Yeah...I guess but changing the board's mind is like grasping at straws."

I thought for a moment. Maybe they needed more people to sway them...I mean they sure as hell wouldn't listen to the monsters.

"How about you start a petition? I'm sure if you got enough people that thought the same thing the board would change their mind."

"You're a genius y/n!" Misty hugged me quickly and ran back into town.

"Welp. That happened."

Flowey growled from my bag. "She smashed me in here!"

"Ah, sorry about that..."

I continued walking till I had reached a small store. This area could be considered a city but to be honest it was mostly filled with small, family owned businesses. I remembered a lot of people liked keeping to their roots here, which was another problem when it came to letting the monsters in. 

I walked in the small grocery store and took my time grabbing things. I ended up grabbing a lot of things for making pies and spaghetti because I knew Toriel and Papyrus would want it. I luckily had just enough money but...it was the last of the money I had saved from when I used to be on the Surface. I honestly didn't know why I had kept the money since it proved useless in the Underground, but old habits die hard I guess.

When I walked up to the counter I saw a familiar face, it was one of my old friends, Amber.

"Y/n!? Is that you!?" she looked liked she had seen a ghost but was excited at the same time. She always was very excitable.

"Yeah...it's me Amber."

She had long, maroon hair and bright green eyes. She was in her work outfit but I remembered she always had  a pastel look going on. In fact the earrings she was wearing were pale blue hearts.

"Y/n, where on earth have you been? Your mother has been worried sick!"

I flinched at this. My mother probably was worried but...I doubted it was near as much as Amber thought.

"I uh, I've been with the monsters from the Underground. I helped them get back up on the Surface."

"You were the one they were talking about on the news? Omg you have to tell me all about them!"

"Ah...maybe some other time, I need to get these groceries back or Sans might start to worry."

She nodded and started ringing my stuff up. "Who is Sans?"

"He's uh...my boyfriend."

Amber's eyes lit up like a firework. 

"y/n m/n l/n. You have a boyfriend!? And he's a monster!? I demand you tell me about him right now! As your friend of course."

"Amber I really don't have time...I need to get going."

Amber sighed, "Alright." She handed me my bags, "But I wanna meet this guy, I wanna know how some one could be lucky enough to end up with you."

"Of course," I gave her a small smile and a nod.

I left, and soon heard Flowey mumbling.

"What's up?" I asked quietly since we were still in town.

"She's super cheerful...reminds me of Papyrus but...what was all that?"

"What do you mean?"

"You acted off. Like you were being really careful with your words. I thought she was your friend? Why didn't you want to talk to her?"

"It's a long story Flowey.....let's just say I wasn't as close with my friends as they were with me...or as much as they want to believe. I kept a lot of crap hidden from them."


I shrugged, "I guess I felt like it would be a burden to them. It's my life, they shouldn't have to deal with my crap...I don't even really know how I talk to Sans so easily or let him know my past. I don't even know how I can talk to you like this easily."

Flowey was silent for a bit, thinking.

"Maybe it's like you started off fresh with us..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you fell into the Underground to run away from this life right? All the humans that go down there do...maybe with us it was like starting life over."

"Hmm maybe you're right Flowey."

We arrived at the house and I opened the door. Everyone was in the living room looking solem.

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