Chapter One: Welcome to Domino

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Kiria strolled along the side of the school. Her new school. She was so excited, her first day at a new school with people she didn't know! Better yet, they didn't know her.

She stopped. Would she be able to even talk to anybody? This happened every time; she would get excited for the first day of a new school, and then she'd end up being too shy to even talk to anybody.

"Even if that does happen," she muttered softly to herself. "Then at least no one will tease me or talk to me." She began to secretly hope no one would talk to her. No one to talk to her meant no one to befriend and then hurt, and no enemies or people to hate her.

"That would be too perfect...," she began to mutter again. She hadn't realized she was walking again, and nearly screamed when she fell to the ground. But instead of a scream, all that came out was an embarrassing squeak.

Someone had bumped into her, she realized.

"Please excuse me, I'm so sorry," a thick british accent apologized. She looked up to see a very pale boy with chocolate brown eyes and fluffy, elbow-length white hair. An apologetic smile was on his face, along with a pink tint on his cheeks. He wore a dark, navy-ish blue uniform from which a hand was outstretched to her.

"Oh, it's...ah...alright," she returned, accepting the hand. He pulled Kiria up to her feet, taking care not to be rough. She swiped a hand through her long gold and neon green bangs, and smiled nervously. "So... do you attend this school?"

"Yes, I do actually. Are you, uh... attending this school?" he asked her, looking at her attire with a questioning glance. Her tan sweater, demi jeans, and rainbow print bookbag were not appropriate.

Kiria blushed, her face becoming a bright red. "I was hoping to. I need to talk with the principal, correct? I heard this is a good school..."

"I can guide you to the office, if you want," the boy offered. Kiria nodded, pink taking over her face now.

"Thank you...," she began, but felt horrible when she couldn't remember his name. Did he even tell her his name? She wasn't sure.

"I'm known as Ryou Bakura." The boy revealed, as if he could read her thoughts. "What do you call yourself?" He led her through the doors.

" K-Kiria...," she whimpered. Suddenly, she felt as if she didn't belong here at all, as if she had no right to be in that school at that moment. She tensed up and looked over her shoulder, half expecting someone to come and kick her out.

Ryou suddenly threw his hand onto his chest, clutching it. His sudden stopping caused Kiria to bump into him again.

"S-Sorry Ryou!" she very loudly squeaked. She became concerned when he began to shiver immensely. "Are you alright?"

"I really need to go to the bathroom," he breathed, almost impossible to hear. "I'll be back in a moment." He rushed himself towards the end of the hallway.

"Hey, Bakura!" A cheery voice called out from behind Kiria, but Ryou was already gone.

Kiria froze. "So someone is there..." she realized.

"Oh, hi there. Who are you? Are you a friend of Bakura's?" the same cheery voice asked her. She slowly turned around, and was greeted with something she did not expect.

A boy, appearing to be in maybe fifth grade, stood before her. His giant, innocent-looking amethyst eyes stared up at her in curiosity. But what amazed her most was his hair, the jagged-spike-ish blond bangs in front with a small spike in the middle, and then the giant black with light violet tipped starfish shaped hair in the back pointed upward in a total of five spikes. A smile was on his face, and he wore a simliar uniform to Ryou, except not buttoned up, and he wore a gold, upside-down pyramid on a chain, along with a leather dog collar.

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