New Ink.

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Carter's p.o.v

I am currently at the airport waiting for 5sos. I can't wait to see them! I have missed them all so much.

There are so many fans and I love greeting them. They are so kind and they lift me up, when I'm feeling down. They are incredible.

I saw Luke and I ran to him. He picked me up and spun me around. "You're back!" I said hugging him. I then felt the rest of the boys join our group hug.

"You guys. I have missed you so much!" I said as Luke let me down. "We have missed you too, so much!" Calum said. I smiled and we all walked to the van. I went on Instagram and saw that the paps got a pretty good picture of the guys and I hugging so I posted it.

'@CarterCaylen: reunited with these losers and I couldn't be happier.😭 welcome back, ya turds! @5sosofficial'

I locked my phone and we headed to my house. It's been getting harder and harder to hide my cuts. I have so many new ones on my wrist and no one knows. No one can know.

We finally got to my house and we got off and ran inside. "I missed you guys!" I said as we headed to My room. "We missed you too." Michael said. "Yes, we have." Ashton smiled.

We watched videos and movies for a while, then headed downstairs. My dad and Kian were sitting on the couch. "Hey guys!" My dad said greeting the guys.

I went on Twitter and saw that Bradley did a twitlong.

'@thevampsbrad: I don't think anyone knows how much I love @CarterCaylen. She means so much to me; she's my everything. Our relationship hasn't been perfect, but it's real. She is the sweetest, most kind, loving, generous, and beautiful girl I know. I couldn't picture myself with anyone else but her. I know that we fight and argue, but it makes me love her even more. Carter, you are perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. I haven't felt like this for anyone. I love you more than words could ever explain. I am so blessed to have you, and I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I can't wait until I can take you back home so you can hang out with my family and I. I love spending time with you. I wish I could spend all the time in world with you. I never get bored of being around you. All my life, I've wanted someone that I could be myself around, someone I could be foolish around, and I have found that person. It's hard for me to be away from you, because I miss you so much when I'm away and it sucks. I've not been happier in my life. Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for putting up with me. Carter Daniels Caylen, I'm in love with you.'

'@CarterCaylen: BRADLEY I LOVE YOU.😭😭 thank you thank you thank you! You are absolutely wonderful!😘 how in the world did I get so damn lucky?😍 I love you so much, babe! You are so amazing and I love you with every inch in my body. You are perfect. I am so in love with you; nothing could change my mind about that, ever. Thank YOU for dealing with me when I get moody, for never leaving my side and for being MINE.💕 I love you Bradley Will Simpson, more than you'll even know. You are amazing in each and every way.❤️ you are my world. I'm in love with you; madly in love.😍 @thevampsbrad'

I locked my phone. The guys were filming a video with my dad. Calum looked at me and made a funny face, while I did the same thing back and we both laughed.

Scooter walked in the house. I hugged him. "How are you?" He asked me. "I'm great." I said faking a smile. "I'm glad. So we have an interview tomorrow. It's not far away. Maybe 20 minutes." He said.

"Okay, cool. Also, I have a question." I said. "Yeah?" He asked me. "When we continue the rest of the tour up, am I working on my second album?" I asked Scooter.

"Yeah, yeah. You'll be working on your second album. I am very proud of you and how far you've come. You are amazing, Carter. You really are." Scooter said smiling at me. "Thanks Scooter. You're the best manager ever." I said hugging him.


I am currently backstage at my interview with Ellen! I am so happy. I am in my dressing room getting all dolled up. My makeup is done in a cute natural way, and my hair is curled.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. Ellen walked in. I looked up from my phone and I stood up. I hugged her. "I am so glad you're here! You look beautiful." Ellen said.

"Aw, thanks! You do too." I said. We took a picture before she had to go start the show.

'@CarterCaylen: 💙💙💙 @theellenshow'

I locked my phone and waited for my turn to come up.


"Please help me welcome my next guest, Carter Caylen!" She said as I walked out.

There were three rows of my fans wearing my merch, and that had posters. I smiled and waved to them. I kissed Ellen's cheek and we sat down.

"Hey, how are ya?" Ellen asked.

"I am doing amazing! How are you?" I smiled.

"I'm great, thank you. So you have your album out, you're on break from tour, when do you go back on tour?" She asked.

"I go back in three months." I said.

"The tour is called the Who Are You tour. Is there a certain meaning for it?"

"Yes, it has a meaning behind it. I wanted to call it that because I am still finding out who I am every single day. I want my fans to find who they are with me as well." I smiled.

"That's cute! What's it like to tour?"

"It's an amazing feeling. It's a feeling you can't really describe. I love seeing my fans and I love being on stage. It's an amazing feeling, like I said." I smiled.

"I bet, so I have to ask about this picture. It's a picture of you and the guys from 5 Seconds of Summer at the airport, and you captioned it 'reunited with these losers and I couldn't be happier. welcome back, ya turds!' In all honesty, this is the cutest picture I've seen of you and the guys. Explain?" She said as the picture appeared on the big screen behind us.

"Yeah, they actually just got home from touring, and I went to pick them up yesterday. They are my best friends. I love them so much." I said smiling.

"That's so cute! So you and Bradley, you guys are adorable. And I can't stop staring at you ring. Are you guys engaged?" Ellen asked.

I laughed and smiled. "No, haha. It's a promise ring. That's all it is. But I love it so much, and it means the world to me." I said. The crowd awed.

I smiled. "That's so cute! I am so happy for you guys, you are the cutest. I love you guys together." Ellen said.

"Thank you so much." I said smiling.


Today I am getting a new tattoo. Romeo is coming over to give me a tattoo. I am getting a music note behind my ear and the word 'beautiful' in French on the back of my neck.

"Romeo is here!" I heard my dad say. I went downstairs and saw Romeo. "Hey, are you ready?" Romeo asked me as he set up. "Yeah." I smiled.

He finished setting up and I smiled. I put my hair in a bun and Romeo cleaned my skin and began tattooing me. It hurt a little bit. "If you start to feel light headed, tell me." Romeo told me.

"Okay." I said. After 45 minutes, he finally finished. He cleaned it up. "Okay, are you ready for the next one?" He said. I nodded and smiled.


Romeo just finished my tattoos. We took a picture together and we both posted them.

'@CarterCaylen: new ink.👍 thanks @romeolacoste 💙'

'@romeolacoste: always fun hanging with my homegirl!👌 @CarterCaylen'

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