Carter's p.o.v
It's been a week. It's been so much fun. The boys have been super nice. I am closer with Jc, and Sam. They are so great.
I love hanging out with Andrea. She's one of my best friends. "Nash and Cameron are coming over to film today." Kian said. "Sweet, can't wait to meet them." I said smiling.
"CARTER!" I heard Sam yell. I ran upstairs, to where he was. "Yeah?" I asked as I entered his room. "Are Cameron and Nash coming over?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Okay, thanks." He said.
"Yep, I'm gonna go get ready." I said. He nodded. I went to my room and chose some pink skinny jeans, and a pink crop top. I got my red vans and headed to shower.
I quickly got out, and blow dried my hair. I put my extensions on, and my hair was now down above my belly. I straightened it, and did my makeup. Then, I went downstairs. "You look pretty today." Andrea said. "Well, thank ya." I said smiling.
We sat down, then someone knocked on the door. Dad went to go get it. "Hey!" Said two boys coming into the living room. "I'm Nash!" One with bright blue eyes said. "I'm Carter." I said. "And I'm Cameron!" The other one said.
I shook their hands. "Nice to meet you guys." I said smiling. they smiled and sat down. "Dad!" I yelled. "Yeah, babe?" He asked coming into the living room.
"Can I drive to the store?" I asked. "You don't have your license though, baby girl." He said. "Please dad?" I asked. "Ugh, fine. Take sam, and be careful! Do you need money?" He asked.
"Yeah, just 10 dollars." I said. He pulled out a 50 dollar bill. "Naw, I'm gonna give you 50." He said. I hugged him. "Thanks dad!" I said. I ran upstairs, and told Sam. "Let's go then." Sam said.
We walked downstairs, and got into the car. "You're a pretty good driver." Sam said. "Well, thank ya." I said smiling.
We got to the store, and walked into the makeup section. I got a new mascara and eyeliner. We got fruit snacks, and other foods, especially Arizona's and went to pay.
Girls came up to Sam and asked for pictures. I don't know why, but a sudden feeling of jealously came over me. One girl came up to me. "You're a fat bitch. Stay away from Sam." She said.
I just ignored her. "Nice shirt." I said before going back outside. I got in dad's car and waited for Sam. While I was waiting for him, I texted Dad.
To: Dad👨
When I get home can I have a hug?...😣
From: Dad👨
Of course, baby girl. But what happen? Everything alright?
To: Dad👨
I'll tell you when I get home.
I locked my phone and Sam finally came in the car. I started driving home. "You are acting different. You okay?" Sam asked. I nodded and faked a smile. "Perfectly fine." I said.
We finally got home. We got the stuff inside. As soon as I saw dad, I ran into his arms, crying. "What the hell happened Sam?" Dad asked Sam. "I don't know." Sam replied.
"Sh, baby. You'll be okay." Dad said comforting me. I calmed down a bit. "Can I just go up to my room?" I asked. Dad kissed my forehead. "Yeah, sure." He said. With that, I headed upstairs. I crawled under my covers and went on Twitter.
'@CarterCaylen: words hurt bad.💔'
I then locked my phone. I just started crying. I cried non stop for about an hour. I then got a text. It was from Sam.
From: Sam
Can I come up to your room? Please?
To: Sam
Why? What for?
From: Sam
I just wanna talk to you. Please?
To: Sam
Well, can I have a hug?..
From: Sam
Duh. :)
To: Sam
Come in.
I knew Sam was behind the door, so he opened it. He sat next to me, and I hugged him. "Can you please tell me what happened?" He asked. "At the store. This girl came up to me and called me a fat bitch, and told me to stay away from you." I said.
He just hugged me. "Don't listen to them, Carter." He said. I smiled. "Let's go downstairs?" I asked. "Sure, why not." He said laughing. We walked downstairs.
It's not that dark yet. "Where's my dad?" I asked. "Jc went to the store for something." Cameron said. I just nodded. I sat down on the couch. Trevor came down, and sat on the other side of the room.
Soon after, it started getting dark. My dad finally came home. "We're gonna film outside." Dad said. I nodded and helped him set everything up. "What do ya get at the store?" I asked dad.
He pulled out cupcakes. "Oohhh, can I have one?" I asked. He laughed and gave me one. Everyone was outside. Dad, Kian, Cameron and Nash are gonna film.
The rest of us just sat back and watched. They made a huge mess! It was nasty. They finished the video, and we headed inside. It's now midnight. Trevor passed out on the couch. I took a picture of him and posted it.
'@CarterCaylen: sleepy Trev!😂☺️ @trevormoran'
I locked my phone. Sam came and sat down next to me. Before I knew it, I was asleep.
Carter's p.o.v
I woke up, on the couch and someone was sitting on me. I opened my eyes fully, and it was Trevor. "bitch, get off!" I said trying to push him off. Then Kian came over and pushed him off.
"Thank you, Kian." I said standing up. "Yup!" He simply said. I walked to the kitchen, and dad was on his laptop. "Oh morning, baby girl. I wanted to talk to you." He said. I sat down.
"Yeah?" I asked worried. "Don't be scared. I just want you to fly to Texas to meet my family." He said. I smiled. "I would love too. When?" I asked. "I'm trying to find flights for tomorrow." He said.
I smiled. "Yeah, sure. That would be great!" I said. "I found one that leaves tomorrow at 10am. So get packing!" He said. I nodded and went upstairs. I grabbed a suitcase, and packed some stuff.
I packed 10 outfits, 3 extra ones, 11 pairs of shoes, and my makeup and hair stuff. Sam came in along with Trevor. "Why are you packing?" Sam asked sitting on my bed. "Dad and I are going to Texas tomorrow." I said.
Sam looked upset. "Oh." He simply said. I shook that off, and sat next to Trevor. "I hope you have fun. How long are you staying?" Trevor asked. "I'm not sure. I'd have to ask dad." I said. "I'm gonna miss you."
Trevor said "I'll miss ya too." I said.
~~skipping plane ride~~
I am now in Texas. I have met my new Grandma who is dad's mom. I have met his younger siblings, Ava, Jaylen, && Joe Felix who are pretty much my aunts and uncle.
I am now in dad's room with him while he edits a video. "Do you like it here?" He asked. "Yeah, it seems pretty cool. It's really pretty." I said. He smiled. "We should go out tomorrow, if you're up." He said. I smiled.
"Yeah." I simply said. I got a text from Trevor.
From: Trev✌️
Miss you! How are ya liking Texas? 😊
To: Trev✌️
It's nice here! I like it. But holy shit do I miss you guys! 😣
From: Trev✌️
You'll be back in two days, though. Text you later. ☺️
I locked my phone. These next two days should be fun. I hope I get used to this family thing. I haven't had a family for so long. These thoughts made me sleepy, so I eventually fell asleep.

Adopted by O2L
FanfictionCarter Daniels is a 15 year old girl who's parents were killed when she was just 10. She's now living in an orphanage. She's lived here, in California. She was brought to the orphanage the day after her parents were killed. One day, 6 boys known as...