Jedi Knight

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They say that the Jedi were so at one with the force they were deceived by the Sith, who overpowered them openly, making the Jedi fall into the old times. Still, Luke, Leia and Han bought peace back to the galaxy, for it was peaceful for some time as Luke trained young ones until the First Order came to power with Supreme Leader Snoke leading them. In that wake, he turned one of Luke's padawans into an evil twisted man for him to kill the young padawans that had done nothing on the experience of them just being young force-sensitive children, but that is in the past, which we will have to look towards the future in the stead or we will be overcome with the anger and the darkness of the dark side of the force which will never in the end. I sit cross-legged on the island's tallest mountain with my hair flowing softly in the breeze while I sit there, knowing it is the only place on which I can feel the force here. I have my eyes closed as my lashes flutter on my cheeks. I concentrate on the force, feeling it all around me with peace running through my being. 

As time passed, the rain started to patty on my skin, chilling to the bone. Still, all I do is not stall my breathing as I held out a hand that was sitting on my knee like my other hand for a few raindrops to fall on my hand. I then opened my hand wide, letting the strings of the force run through them as I stalled the rain for me to breathe in, knowing it uses force to do this. Still, I have been training with Luke since I was a baby, with the force running through me like a river always running, knowing the happens of what is and what is to come. I was suspended in the air floating lightly, when I heard someone roaming into my space of the force for me to breathe in, picturing the person that was coming, which must be my master because he is the only other Jedi on this island that I feel right now, "Master, whatever is the matter?" I question with my voice chiming like a bell in the dead of night in this still place, "the caretakers are cursing you again, young one," Luke says for me to smile small on that letting the rain fall as I relax hand for the caretakers to be happy, I am sure, "they do not like me master" I say for him to nod on that as I go back to sitting on the rock and then stand up opening my eyes to look at my Jedi Master who I will respect till the ends of time, he did train me, "have you seen anything in the ways of the force?" Luke questions as we scale down the stairs from the spot with the rain patting on us with us quickening our steps not to be rained on more and not to have our clothes drenched from the rain, "a little, master," I answer as we come to the huts sitting inside his hut with me breathing in looking to the flames of the fire seeing images, knowing that it was started by one of the caretakers I suspect. 

"There is darkness in the galaxy; it is moving rapidly unseen by all, but it is causing fear in every soul they tortured by it, but I feel light glowing steadily in resistance; Leia...she would never let it fall into the hands of the First Order, she is fighting for peace and...for her son, Master" I relay my thoughts for Luke to sit with a heavy heart knowing he blames himself to what happened to Ben Solo. Still, I do not blame him. Something happened back then that I will not question, "Master, do not blame yourself; Snoke is cunning and evil", I say for Luke to look at me with a sorry look. I knew Ben as a child, but he was always there for me, "what else?" he says for me to breathe in as my eyes flash purple as I look to the fire seeing many things in the wake of the force, "I see many helping, Leia they don't want to live in fear, they are fighting to find...." I pause for me to come out of the vision knowing on who they are looking for which has my eyes to go to my master, "me" he says as I watch him knowing he does not wish to come out of hiding, to be the spark in the galaxy for all which is understanding.  

The rain came to a steady halt in the afternoon as I am watching the sun going down into the earth with it glittering on the ocean like a kyber crystal in the snow while I stand there with my thoughts going to the resistance, "you wish to help?" master comments for me to remain still while feeling peace here never wishing to leave this island but Leia is in need of help, I can feel it through the force that is connecting me to her, I always respected her and I do not wish for Leia to be left without help, "master, I know it is not the time to help them but the darkness it is eating away at them and I fear something is coming" I comment looking as Luke stands next to me in the corner of my eye, "kneel" he says for me to turn to look at him with wonder in my eyes not understanding the words of yet, "come now Harmony" he says for me to nod going down on one knee in front of him wondering what is to happen now when I am kneeling in front of my master, "your lightsaber" Luke commands as I unclip it from my belt handing it to my master who ignites it letting the blue light coat the earth we stand on with it quite pretty but my thoughts do not go to that I am more interested on what my master is doing, "a lightsaber is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the weapon is your life, young Harmony" he was telling me as I look up at my master wondering why he is telling me these things for me to watch the man in front of me who I have bought onto calling him my teacher since I was a small child, "bow your head" he says for me to look down to the ground wondering what is happening, "By the rights of the last Jedi's and the conciel of Jedi, by the will of the force, Harmony Bracca, you may rise, Jedi Knight" Luke says to kinght me with the lightsaber put on each shoulder with it not touching my shirt at all which makes me to stand feeling happy on what is happening knowing that I am a Jedi now when I have dreamt of this moment since I began training with Luke, "you are Jedi Knight, like the Jedi before you, your mission, despell the galaxy of the darkness and in return leave light in its wake" Luke orders me as I bow my head on the order, "of course master" I answer knowing that I am to do as he pleases becasue I am his Jedi Knight. 

I stand on the cliff looking one last time at this place to help the resistance out there with the battle with the First Order, knowing my commands, wishing I had more time to think on things about the fear and anger out there with many which makes me gulp in the air while closing my eyes in peace feeling that the time will pass. I will not be here that much, which hurts. Still, I must help the resistance and find my propose away from this place, "never forget to come back, Harmony", Luke tells me as I open my eyes, looking at my master holding a bag for me to step over as he hands me the luggage that I grip tightly in my hands feeling a little fear in my stomach on leaving him, I have been like a daughter him. Still, I must fly away from the nest, which scares me silly. Still, I will make my way as I used to, "I will be back, master", I say, then go over to my ship to jump in, turning on the controls swiftly with my fingers to then look at my master outside as he smiles small to me knowing deep down he thinks I'm not ready for this, well am I? There is so much darkness out there that it could corrupt my mind and turn me dark, but I will be with Leia in these troubling times when she needs someone for help, I hope. 

Edited: 12/8/23

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