The Force is Real

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Rey and Finn then decided to join us in this escape plan that was taking place, "You, close the door behind us. You, take care of Chewie!" Han orders Finn to help me to support the Wookie into the falcon for me to keep Chewie calm as Finn is looking for bandages to patch the Wookie up as we are in light speed getting out of this place of Rathters and thugs, oh the tales I will be telling my master when this is over is going to be enjoyable, to say the least, "I need help with this giant hairy thing!" Finn yells, but when BB-8 and myself try to get close enough, he roars for me to back away with my hands up on that, not wishing for my arms to be ripped out by this Wookie that is stronger than me in so many ways than one even if the force runs through me like a stream I would not go through Chewie, "You hurt Chewie, you're going to deal with me!" Han yells back to us for me to raise an eyebrow at that thinking us hurting Chewie is not possible at all, him hurting us high in that area, "Hurt him? He almost killed me six times!" Finn answers, but then Chewie grabs the ex-stormtrooper by the neck for him to scrunch up like a little toy soldier at the sudden grab while Chewie roars, "Which is fine." Finn answers for me to be trying not to laugh at them. 

After we are out of thug space, Han comes out to check on Chewie, that is all patched up by Finn as the Wookie is sitting there looking unhappy about things, but he seems better now, "Don't say that. You did great; just rest. Good job, kid. Thanks." Han says to Finn as I lean on the wall, watching them closely with me wishing to escape this place, "You're welcome." Finn answers but then turns on the game with the holograms of creatures that Chewie and Ben use to beat me in, well they cheated, which is understandable in some senses, until I had a tantrum storming away to hide in one of the vents on the ship not talking for an hour or so until Han found me and told me that those two cheat all the time, "So. Fugitives, huh?" Han says as Rey enters here for me to look at Han and Chewie because it was not in my plan to be fugitives when I have other problems to deal with, "The First Order wants the map. Finn is with the Resistance, and Harmony is a Jedi knight." Rey says for me to look at him as Finn looks at Han and me knowing like hell, he is with the Resistance. 

I've never seen him at the base, which makes me frown at the ex-stormtrooper but keep quiet, knowing Finn will tell her soon, hopefully, "I'm just a scavenger." Rey answers for me to look at her, thinking she is quite an excellent scavenger to get us out of Jakku, "Let's see what you got." Han says to BB-8, who looks to me with Should I beeping out for me to nod, "go ahead" I answer for BB-8 to roll into position, putting the hologram into the sky and then zooming out for me to look at it knowing Luke did this so Leia could find him sooner or later but he is needed now. Han looks at the map that is showing itself to us; for me to stand up straighter, looking at the map with me, longing to go back to my master now, but I am needed with the Resistance because he would give me guidance about the darkness that is trying to seep in. Still, I will continue with my mission, "This map is not complete; it's just a piece. Ever since Luke disappeared, people'd been looking for him." Han was saying for me to watch him, knowing he is still upset from Luke leaving us all, but he also left us when Ben converted over to the dark side of the force with Supreme Leader Snoke, which hurt all back then, "Why did he leave?" Rey questions for me to look down on that, knowing that it is hard to cope with the knowledge of what turned him away from the force and all of the people he loved dearly, "He was training a new generation of Jedi. One boy, an apprentice, turned against him, destroyed it all. Luke felt responsible. He just walked away from everything." Han says for me to look at him as he looks at me, knowing that Ben was a skilled Jedi, but the darkness is created by fear, anger, and sadness, which corrupts the emotions of even the more skilled Jedi. 

It is quite serious here on the information on what happened to Master Skywalker. Even if I have been with him a long time, he still blocks his emotions so easily to his student that it hurts that I can not see everything in the ways of the force, "Do you know what happened to him?" Finn asks for me to look over there and then to Han, who is still looking at the map, "A lot of rumours, stories. People who'd knew him best think he went looking for the first Jedi Temple." Han says for me to gulp in, knowing that he found it, but I never can speak on it to anyone knowing then that I have been with Luke since I was a child and it is a Jedi secret that I am never to break, "The Jedi were real?" Rey questions for me to look over to the girl smiling, knowing she thought of them as myths, like I am a myth or a legend that sounds weird, "I used to wonder about that myself. I thought it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil, the Dark Side and the Light. The crazy thing is... It's true. The Force, the Jedi. All of it. It's all true." Han says, looking at her and then glancing at me, knowing I am a Jedi and one of the last ones along with Luke, which is depressing in some states. 

Beeping then cuts into it all for the hologram to be shut off and Chewie to whimper out something, knowing he wishes to come with us, "No, you rest. You want my help? You're getting it. Going to see an old friend. She'll get your droid home as well as Harmony. This is our stop." Han was saying about the droid and myself that is needed back at the Resistance very soon. Han then goes into the cockpit, followed by Finn and Rey for me to sit next to Chewie, "how's your arm?" I question for the big Wookie to whimper out an answer, "It will heal, Chewie"; I answer for him to move his hands while roaring out another answer in his native tongue that I understand, "Yeah, I know you heal quickly" I answer with a little smile to grace my features loving that I have time to talk to this big hairy carpet well that is what Leia use to call him which made Ben. I speak of that to ourselves. I feel the ship land for me to step out, breathing in the cool mountain air as I sit on a rock, putting the sabres in front of me as I rest my hands on my knees, breathing in slowly as I meditate, "Hey Harmony, we'll meet you in there" Han calls for me too hmmm softly not paying mind to them at all as I am meditating with my sabres feeling the peace in the force all around me here. 

I hover off the ground with the sabres doing the same making me use my mind as I pull the weapons apart and then slowly putting them back together but I feel something in the force which makes me open my eyes looking to Kylo Ren standing on a ship as he looks to me also hovering off my rock, "murderous snake" I hiss for him to watch me slowly undernearth that mask as I do not move my eyes away from him, "do you think, I will not find you, Harmony" he says for me to watch the traitor, "find me if you will, I would not be here when you look for me" I say knowing a smirk is playing across his lips now, "yet I always find yospeakse says for the connection to be broken for me to fall off the rock as Chewie rushes over looking quite worried on myself, "its ok, Chewie, I lost consentration" I answer as I stand up with my lightsabers whizzing to land in my hand for me to clip them to belt making me breathe in slowly and evenly knowing that the darkness is always open to me but I will not venture there, I have a family with the Resistance and that is all I need to keep the light in me. 

Edited: 13/8/23

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