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I look between the two with BB-8 next to me looking at them as well, "BB-8's not on fire." Rey answers back this is like a banter, "what's left of him isn't on fire?" Poe answers but Rey was quick to answer him on the happenings out there, "Tell me what happened." Rey says but Poe wanted an answer to what happened to his droid, "you tell me first." Poe says for me to look at BB-8 who looks at me also wishing to leave the bickering of this married couple, "you know what you are?" Rey says with a smile on her features making me to raise an eyebrow at them what happened there, "what?" Poe answers for me to look there with BB-8, "you're difficult, really difficult" Rey says for me to be pulled away to help with the ship making me sigh wishing to hear the endings of that conversation but it seems I am needed some places in this base, "stupid Poe with lightspeed skipping when the compressor can not handle it" I mumble under my breath while opening the hyperlink that is smoking for me to wave it away with my hands on the smoke that is coming at me, "you're mumbling again" Beaumont comments on my habit making me give him a look on that wishing to not hear about my habits now, "don't comment on my mumbling Beaumont" I answer back trying to fix the hyperlink which is proving difficult because he overloaded the hyperlink, "you know Poe, he is always like this" Beaumont trys to take Poe side for me to close the vent once done turning to look at my best friend since we were little, "is that all you wish to speak about, if so why not marry him Beaumont because he seems to be your type" I asnwer throwing the spanner into the tool box to leave the conversation wishing to not be put into that place where I am to fix Han's ship after someone broke it. That night people have gathered around for me to stand there wanting to know about the information the spy has given out and wondering on who the spy is in the First Order, "we've decoded the intel from the First Order Spy..." Poe starts off as everyone is on edge about the information that is given knowing that they fear the worst on it, "and it confirms the worst." Poe continues for me to gulp in wishing it was false the rumours that are spreading all over the galaxy, "somehow Palpatine returned." Poe says for whispers to spread throughout the group making me shake slightly on the news knowing of what the Emporer did when the Jedi were present with the council and Jedi's all over the galaxy they passed because of him. 

I look to Leia who looks at me with understanding the fear in the group it is a troubling time for all now knowing that Palpatine is alive, "Wait. do we believe this?" Rose says for me to gulp in looking at her knowing people chose to not believe in somethings but I feel that Palpatine is alive deep down in my gut he will be there, "it can not be. The emperor is dead." Aftab answers for me to look at him knowing people give in to fears that cloud their judgements, "Dark science, cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew" Beaumont says knowing the words he speaks are true, they did have cloning and other means of surviving the fall of the Darkside of the force, "he's been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years."  Poe puts more wood on the fire to let it burn longer with fear for these people, "the largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order." Poe says for me to curl my hands into fists not wishing to listen anymore on the words of the Sith lord, "in 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin." Poe continues to speak on the matter for me to look at Rey she needs guidance in this troubling time, "The emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the unknown regions" Poe continues for me to cross my arms over my chest thinking on the subject that is why he has not come back for so long, "On a world called Exegol" Poe continues for me to look at him I have heard of that planet its full of dark energy that the Jedi are unwilling to touch at all. 

R2 then beeps frantically for me to look there knowing it scares the poor little droid, "Exegol does not appear on any star chart." C3PO says for me to know on that because master luke spoke on the matter of Exegol saying to never venture there alone without other Jedi or they will kill you where you may stand, "but legend describes it as the hidden world of the sith" C3PO was speaking on it as Rey looks off into the distance for me to frown on that wondering what is taking her mind away right now. She then leaves the group for me to look at Leia for the woman to nod making me nod on that following  the young one, "Rey what are you trying to find" I question for her to hold it up, "it's in here" she says for me to flip through the pages of the text seeing it there plain as day, "Exegol" I whisper as I give the text back to the girl and then we return to the others, "General, can I speak with you?" Rey says for me to look at everyone following after Rey and Leia for me to stand by the entrance looking at them knowing it is a troubling time for all and Leia will not let Rey go, "I know how to get to Exegol" Rey says for me to look at them with me feeling that Rey wishes to do this for Luke's purpose, "Tell me." Leia asks for Rey to look at me making me smile, "Luke searched for it. For a long time and he nearly found it" I say for Leia to look at me with shock knowing that Luke was a troubled soul at the best of times, "There are ciphers here. I can't read" Rey says showing the book to Leia who looks at it, "But he said to get there, you need one of these" Rey says turning the page to something that is more ancient than the Jedi themselves, "A Sith Wayfinder" I whisper for Rey to nod on that hearing about them but never being able to find one at all, "they're compasses that lead the way to Exegol" Rey continues on with the knowledge of this object, "to stop what we both know is coming...I need to finish what Luke started" Rey says for me to breathe in knowing she must do this, "Harmony leave us," Leia says for me to look at her and then to Rey, "Rey may I have the book," I ask for her to look at me giving the book to me as I leave the room sitting on the ramp of the Falcon looking at the ciphers for me to breath in knowing that I am to understand the words that are painted here. 

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