Lando Calrissian

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We ran back to the others for me to look at them knowing we have to leave this planet before Ren comes and gets us, "We have to go. Back to the Falcon. Now." I more likely order my friends but Finn wanting to know on why we have to leave so soon questions my motives, "Why?" He questions me for me to look at the person that has changed so much in this time from being a stormtrooper to a resistance fighter, "It's Ren." I answer them for Rey to look scared on my behalf knowing that if Ren finds me he will find my daughter one day which is what I fear and also the ever pull to the dark side of the force is edging away at my being, it is scaring me, on what I am to do in this time so my daughter is safe. When we were running, we are then stopped by a stormtrooper, why are they so bothersome, "Freeze. Hold it right there. I've located the Resistance fugitives. All units, report..." he was saying into his intercom when he was shot with an arrow right in the head for me to look in that direction at that person, "Follow me." he says for me to look at him trying to figure out who it is that is helping us so willingly, "come on" I whisper to my friends following the person through the crowds to a vehicle moving through the people easily without hurting them, "Hurry." he says for us to jump in for me to stand beside Rey with narrowed eyes hating people hiding behind masks it doesn't help with showing who they truly are, "Leia sent me a transmission." he says as all the friends are loaded on for me to go wide-eyed on why Leia sent this person a transmission. He then speaks an unknown language to the person in the front for me to frown as we hear it answer with an okay, "How'd you find us?" Finn questions as the person then remove the mask for me to smile at the welcoming person, "Lando" I say for him to smile at me being here, "Wookies standout in a crowd. and hello young one" he says for Chewie to go over to him as he moans in his tones for me to shake my head, I have all grown up you old coot, "It's good to see you, too, old buddy." Lando says as he hugs the Wookie knowing that they have been friends for a long time well when Han was alive and Luke they were like brothers back then, "This is General Lando Calrissian." C3PO says for me to look at the droid knowing that everyone knows of the general, "We know who he is, 3PO." Rey says for me to pat the droid on the shoulder, "its ok 3PO" I whisper looking at the long time friend, "Harmony, beautiful as ever" Lando says for me to step over to him with a smile on my lips, "and you are still you, Lando" I answer as he embracing me, "how is that daughter of yours?" he questions for me to shake my head on that with a giggle escaping, "still hiding from the first order" I answer for him to nod on that, "now onto business, I presume" he says for me to nod on that, "It is an honour, General." Finn comments for me to look at them as I step back to the wall looking at Lando, it makes Han's death a little sadder now that I look onto Lando, "General Calrissian, we're looking for Exegol." Poe then goes straight to the point, same old Poe always jumping the gun like always. 

Lando looks at all of us for him to look at me as well for me to nod on that, "Of course, you are." Lando says and then he taps his watch for the holographic image of a sith Wayfinder to appear on it, "Only 2 were made." Lando says for me to look at Rey knowing we are getting closer but I fear the further we go into the story, the truth will come for us shortly after, "A Sith Wayfinder." Rey then says about the subject for BB-8 to chirp on it, "Luke Skywalker came here to find one." I then say for Lando to look onto me about that knowing it because he was never there for a short time. Lando then does a chuckle on the subject, "I know. I was with him. Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunting. Ochi of Bestoon." Lando was explaining, to then show the hologram of the Jedi hunter for me to frown knowing that face before, "He was carrying a clue that could lead to a Wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship, it was abandoned... No clue. No Wayfinder." Lando tells us the story of that time for me to frown on his words but how come there were no clues on the whereabouts of the Wayfinder. I put a finger under my chin trying to think on the subject but it comes up blank every time that I devel deeper into the facts, " Is Ochi's ship still here?" I question for him to nod on that fact, "It's out in the desert, where he left it." Lando answers my question for me to look at my friends dropping my hand to the side, "We need to get to that ship. Search for it again." Rey says for me to nod on that knowing that they could have missed something in the ship. We then all hear the distance engines for me to move the curtain a bit looking out for Lando to stand beside me as the tie fighters and ships are coming for us, "I got a bad feeling about this." Lando says for me to give him a look on that, "don't we all" I whisper under my breath for him to pat my back on the matter, " Ochi's ship is out past Lurch Canyon. Go." Lando says for me to look at him not wishing to leave him here, he was like an uncle to me, "Thank you, General." Poe says for Chewie to then grunt softly that he has to leave his friend, "You, too, Chewie." Lando says for me to look at him with my blue eyes that he said were like fireflies in the night, "Leia needs pilots, Lando." I say for him to shake his head on the subject. 

"My flying days are long gone, Young one. But do me a favour.... give Leia my love." he says for me to frown putting a hand on his arm looking at him with a small smile, "You should give it to her yourself. Thank you yet again." I say as I then follow after my friends into the sand that I so love 'not'. We run down the little hill for me to look back at the vehicle wishing Lando could come with us, but it is not possible, "There! Those speeders!" Poe says for me to look at him, this is sure to be fun. Poe hot wires both of the speeders for me to look at them with a raised eyebrow, Poe did have a life before the resistance, "How do you know how to do that?" Finn questions for me to look as C3PO then round the corner, "No need to worry. I made it." he says for me to roll my eyes on that to then lift him into the speeder with the force for him to land with a thump, "next time, mistress Harmony, warn me" he says for me to smile that, "yes C3PO, I'll warn you never" I answer as we then hear the shouting of male aliens for me to look that way, "We gotta go." Poe then says for me to look at him yeah, I pieced that together, flyboy. 

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