Goodbye Ben Solo

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My long black hair is tied up in a bun on my head as I weave through the huts knowing that the first order is here and they are killing young ones at every turn, but I must get to master Skywalker. That is the task at hand. He needs me right now. I feel it in the way he is communicating with me, "get her" I heard yelling, but I skid in the mud that was coating the ground for me to slide into a fighting pose, grabbing my lightsabers ready to take some of these stormtroopers with me, so I can get away from here. Ben steps out in black robes for me to go pale as a setting moon, not knowing my Ben was joining them; what is happening, "Ben" I say with sadness in my voice about him betraying me and all of his family. I thought he loved me, "give up, Bracca," he says for me to shake my head at him knowing I am lost to him now; he is not the guy I love. 

He is covered in something else, "I will die with the children before giving up to the likes of the first order, Ren", I hiss with no feeling in my words as I stand up straighter with me, feeling that I lose all that I love in this blasted war I can never win it seems, "then die" he says for me to narrow my eyes as I light my lightsabers in hand ready for them to come at me with an attack. Still, then I felt something else in me, "Harmony" I heard Luke in my thoughts for me to turn my lightsabers off for Ben to watch me, but I smirked, nodding to my master's commands on what was to be done. Then take off at a run jumping onto the huts running and jumping, knowing my task, which is to escape here by orders of my master for me to let tears roll down my cheeks, knowing the boy I loved is forever lost to me which makes me jump into a ship sitting there ready for me and starting her up as I then blast off into space away from this place knowing I will be back soon for Master Skywalker but for now I will find a place that is off the map. I land on Tatooine to jump out of the ship to walk a few metres, then fall onto my knees, letting tears cloud my vision. I cover my eyes with my hands as I cry out in pain at this feeling washing over me, wishing I could not be here because Ben hurts my heart deeply right now. 

I put a careful hand on my belly for me to feel her inside me, I have been with a child for some time, but I was not willing to tell Ben at that time, scared of how he would react, making me smile small on that loving the little one still with me in these dark times. She is full of light that was once in Ben, but I feel that she will enter my life sooner or later because the force works in funny ways. I walk into Tatoonie for people look at me as I stagger around, feeling very worn out from all the things I am feeling, making me to then lean on a wall and drop to my knees for a woman to rush up, looking quite worried on my state seeing that I am pale and pasty, "my dear, are you ok?" she says for me to breathe in slowly knowing I have to be at one with the force to speak about what is to happen, "my baby is coming now" I say for her to look at me with worry on the fact Ihaveg a child in this place but is the most secluded place I could find away from Ben's eyes, "come with me" she says as I am supported to a little house as we then make it inside for me to be breathing heavily knowing it is edging closer to the childbirth on the little one, "daughter get some water" the woman commands her daughter for the girl to rush that way with the lady leading me to a room that makes me lay down on the soft mattress feeling pain now as I go through the pain of giving birth as I scream while doing so. I lay there after the birth of my little girl for me to touch her cheek with me smiling at her. She is so sweet and full of peace and innocence that I wish to keep her like this, "you're a Jedi", the woman that helped me give birth to the child questions for me too. See, she is looking onto my lightsabers for me to watch her closely while nodding slowly to her question, knowing that the Jedi will be extinct for some time yet again, "I am; that is why I need your help", I say to her to look at me and then the child that lays there in peace not knowing who her father is, "please take care of, Saha" I say for her to look at the little one and then to me nodding on my request knowing when a Jedi asks for help most help in that task because we bring much more than peace we bring happiness.  

After leaving my daughter in the hands of the lady, I fly through the galaxy back to the temples on the planet where I was trained to land, seeing Luke sitting there looking at the temples with him looking quite upset. I get out and walk to the man for me to stop looking at my master to breathe in then, knowing he needs me this time, "Master?" I questioned for him to look at me than standing with R2 beeping wildly, knowing that we had failed the young ones, "Harmony, the child?" he said for me to smile sadly at that, knowing I had to leave my daughter there with those people I hardly knew but she is safe at least, "safe away from Ben" I say for him to step forward placing a hand on my cheek in a fatherly way as I feel tears on my water line, "he is overcome with darkness, he will not return to be Ben, he is Kylo Ren now" he says for me to close my eyes knowing he speaks the truth knowing in my heart, it is hard to imagetion that he will return me like he is too, but he is gone from my sights, "I know master" I whisper with me pulled into a hug by my master for me to let the tears flow slowly down my cheeks wishing he was wrong, but my master is always right in some aspects, "your training begins" he says for me to pull away nodding stiffly on that because I must finish my training if my daughter is to live safely in this galaxy when Ren is near. 

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter) 

Edited: 14/8/23

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