A crashed Tie Fighter

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We fly around as I breathe in peace while we are getting ready to fight this ship that is bigger than this tie fighter, "I'm going to get us in position. Just stay sharp." Poe comments as I close my eyes, connecting with the force in a way to keep me centred. As we fought the cannons, they celebrated for Poe to ask the question that I have always wanted to know about the stormtrooper sitting near me, "Hey. What's your name?" Poe questions for me to open my eyes, looking at the stormtrooper with wonder on that part, "FN-2187." he answers for me go wide-eyed on that why is that their names are so complicated and why do they not have a real name in the end, "F... what?" Poe answers for me to look to the resistance pilot, who gives me a look knowing those poor stormtroopers, pulled from families to fight for this blasted war, and still, they do not name them properly, "That's the only name they ever gave me."

FN answers for me to be thinking of a good name for this stormtrooper that would suit him, "Well, I ain't using it. FN, huh? Finn. I'm gonna call you Finn. Is it alright?" Poe questions for me to watch them, knowing they will be good friends until the end of time. That is the way Poe is to people, "Finn. Yeah! Finn, I like that! I like that." Finn answers joyfully as we dodge attacks and take out the cannons as we fly through the air, "I'm Poe, Poe Dameron." Poe introduces himself, "Good to meet you, Poe." Finn answers for me to feel that something is to happen soon in the ways of our flying, "Good to meet you too, Finn!" Poe answers while then looking in the corner of his eye at me, "Oh, and this lovely lady is Harmony Bracca, a Jedi Knight for the resistance" Poe says for me to smile at his words and his calling me lovely; he knows how to make a woman's heart swoon, "pleasure to meet you Finn" I say for him to look in the corner at me, "you too my lady" he says which makes me go pink not liking it when people call me a lady when I am nothing of the sort, "Harmony is just fine, Finn" I say for him to nod on that, I know we will get on in the end. 

We are flying around dodging attacks, knowing we have to get out of here and to BB-8, but I feel Kylo Ren is on the bridge, which makes me breathe in, knowing that this would happen; he makes it hard to think, "What's coming towards you? My right. Your left. Do you see it?" Poe asks for me to see the thermal blasters for me to go pale as the setting moon of Tatooine, "Hold on. I see them!" Finn answers, then hits one of them as we head back towards Jakku, "Where're we going?" Finn questions for me to set the landing area with me pushing buttons, "We're going back to Jakku; that's where." Poe answers for me to clip in, feeling something is not right now as I feel Finn does not wish to return to the sand-covered land, "No, no, no. We can't go back to Jakku. We need to get out of this system."

Finn is trying to persuade, but Poe loves his droid, and it has important information that could lead us away from this war, "I got to get my droid before the First Order does." Poe answers for me to lick my lips, knowing the missiles are coming closer as we are flying towards Jakku, with Finn not firing at the missiles, "What? A droid?" Finn says with drama laced in his words at what we are to receive, "That's right. The BB unit orange and white. One of a kind." Poe says for me to breathe in, feeling Kylo Ren for me to gulp in, not liking the dark Jedi. He brings back many memories when I was a child. 

I sit there as they are discussing BB-8, who seems popular right now, "I don't care what colour he is! No droid can be that important!" Finn answers for me to frown on his words, do not underestimate a droid. That was the first lesson from Leia when I was only a child. They are amazing and can do about almost anything, "This one is, man." Poe answers as we get closer to Jakku and a safe landing area that I have set, "We need to get as far away from the First Order as we can. We go back to Jakku, we die." Finn tries to reason as I breathe in, feeling the droid is still surviving with a girl with the force running through her veins, which is impossible, but we will find her; I am confident, "The droid has a map that leads straight to Luke Skywalker." Poe answers which do not please the newfound friend we have come in contact with, "Oh, you got to be kidding me!" Finn yells, losing sight of his mission which made us be hit on the side. I close my eyes on the fire with me, breathing, keeping myself calm and at the centre of the force even if everything is turning black with the world surrounding me as we crash land back on Jakku and away from my landing pad. I found it for us. 

I lay there to glut then awake, coughing lightly as I then sit up with my muscles sore from the landing, looking around and rubbing the sand from my hair and body as I stand to wonder where Poe and Finn which has me rub my head feeling a lump which has me to grunt in pain at the little injury I have inquired, "Poe" I hear Finn calling and then screaming for me to unclip my lightsabers running over to jump landing in a pouch with my lightsabers lit looking around for any danger but the only thing here is Finn holding Poe's jacket with no Poe, "where is Poe?" I say while standing up straighter for me to look at Finn, who seems overcome with grief on what just happened, which has me turn off my lightsabers, clipping them to my belt as I look at Finn, "Finn", I say, touching his shoulder knowing that the ship is not in sight which is not good at all, Finn looks to me with sadness in his eyes. 

We trek through the sand for me to be breathing in and out steadily, knowing that Poe did not deserve that death at all, BB-8 is going to be sad about the loss of Poe, which is going to be hard, and I will have to deal with it slowly with the droid who will not be happy about all this. I walk slightly in front of Finn, keeping my eyes peeled for anything at all in the land, but all I see is sand which is making me irritated because this sand is getting everywhere; it's in my hair and clothes and even in my shoes which is making it uncomfortable to walk in. As we go through the desert, Finn disregards his uniform as we continue to walk onward, I think he is actually leaving a trail, but he is just hot from the hot uniform. An outpost then comes into view, and me to be looking at it, wondering what kind of people are there; Finn goes straight to the water as I look around for the droid that will get us out of there, wondering where he is hiding because he would have come here it is the only outpost that was close to the location that we got the map from. 

Edited: 13/8/23

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