The Falcon's back

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We found a base in no time it was secluded and peaceful here for me to be standing Leia looking at the view as the sounds of distinct birds enter one's ears which makes me close my eyes in peace on the prosperity here in this place wishing to never leave the peace in my system at all, "be with me, be with me" Rey trying to connect with the past Jedi's was the only sound here with us for me to open my eyes looking to my youngling who was in fact Luke's padawan before he left it to myself and Leia which is nerve-racking in the best of times. Rey is still in the training process of becoming a Jedi which is taking some time because her feelings sometimes cloud her judgement of things like they did mine when I was a youngling, "They're not with me" Rey finishes to then float down landing on her feet for me to look at the young one knowing it will take time to connect with the other Jedi who has long since passed from this life sometimes I wish that master skywalker could've of stayed with us then Rey would have the proper teaching she needs, "Rey, be patient" Leia comments for me to nod on her words of wisdom knowing it will come in time you just have to be patient with them, "I'm starting to think it isn't possible... to hear the voices of the Jedi who came before." Rey says for me to look at her knowing she is strong with the force but she will need time to understand it, "nothing is impossible, Rey" I answer for her to look at me and then to Leia as well, "I'm gonna run the training course." Rey says for me to smile small at the girl nodding on that knowing she will understand it soon enough. Leia hands Anakin's lightsaber to her making me smile small at her as she then leaves us making me humm in understanding, "what is it, Harmony?" Leia questions as I turn to look back to the view making me to breath in, "she is strong with the force but her mind is still closed off to a part of it" I answer for her to place a hand on my shoulder for me to turn to look onto the woman beside me, "don't worry in time she will learn to open to the force" Leia answers the puzzles in my head, "but if she learns who she is, will it somehow break her inside" I answer for her to look sad on the truth that I speak, "it will either break the girl or make her stronger" Leia answers to then leave me standing there combating my emotions making me to breath in the feeling of peace as I then sit cross-legged making me float in the air, "be with me" I whisper for the ghosts of the Jedi before to answer, "masters, I feel the darkness in young Rey" I tell them making the masters think for a few moments, "she will either fight it or be overcome with it" Master Windu answers for me to gulp in not wishing to see her changed to the darkside, "Harmony, Ren will try to chnage you as well" Kenobi answers for me to open my eyes in shock, "Ben" I whisper as it passes off my lips I feel something is wrong with Rey which makes me to look in that direction, "she needs, that is so" Yoda says for me to nod on that closeing off the connection as I touch down running in that direction to find my young padawan. 

I come to some trees that are cut down for me to see Rey there looking quite fearful on something which makes me gulp in on that, "Rey" I say for her to turn to look onto me and then we hear chirping from BB-8 for us to look there seeing him stuck under a tree which makes me to breath in knowing Rey is troubled in this time. We help BB-8 out for me to look around, "the boys are late" I whisper to myself but Rey hears me nodding on my words, "don't worry on it, they will be back" she says as we go back to the base with me helping with repairs on the ship knowing it keeps my mind off of many things, Rey is off on her own reading the ancient texts that are not that interesting to read that much. I then see that the Falcon is back for me to run in that direction looking as the fire crew were coming to put it out, "what happened?" I questioned Chewie for him to make out some noises for me to frown on the words the Wookie is speaking, "he what?" I nearly had a meltdown on that because this is the last piece from Han that we all have left, "where is he?" I question looking around for the pilot with anger in my eyes on the telling off he is to have, "Poe Dameron" I say spotting him helping for him to look at me looking a little scared on what he had done to the Falcon that is my only connection with the smuggler left, "now Harmony I can explain" he says as I go over, crossing my arms over my chest with a look that says I am not pleased with this at all, "please do, I would love to hear it" I answer as Rey then comes in making me know she will be the same as me on the Falcon, "Hey, there's a spy?" Rey questions which make me look at her with shock is that all she is worried about the Falcon is in fact on fire, "Really could have used your help out there." Poe says for me to frown on that knowing she is to train she is a Jedi, not a little lakey they can pull around at will, "how'd it go?" Rey questions for me to raise an eyebrow at them, "really bad, actally, really bad" Poe answers as I stand by BB-8 thinking it could have been worse they could have been killed when on this mission, "Han's ship..." Rey says for me to see Poe looking onto his droid then making me suspect he has seen it now, "what'd you do to the droid?" Poe questions which make me think this is sure to be good, "what'd you do to the falcon?" Rey answers for me to think that they are a bunch of children now, "The falcon's in a lot better shape then he is." Poe answers which he is correct in some contexts of that. 

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