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It feels like the galaxy has grown darker since I escaped the First Order with Master Skywalker when they were killing all of the Jedi like they were fly's in their net of lies, which makes me calm my breathing. I must not dwell on such things. It will only bring anger in the wake of the light in me. I pass many planets so secluded and out of reach from the darkness and any of the influence of the First Order as I take another breathe in slowly, knowing I have left the planet I trained on with Luke for so long it is becoming hard to breathe out of it in this open area of space with no one here. I need to help Organa. That is all I am to do on this mission by my master, who has always looked after me since I was left on the doorsteps of the Jedi temple with a little note saying take care of her and a kyber crystal placed around my neck that I later used as my lightsaber crystal, well that is what Master Skywalker talked about, I never knew of my family, they could be dead, they could be evil or good, I would never know on what lies within which scares me sometimes on what the future might hold for me. 

The planet I was looking towards then comes into view for a little smile to shift on my lips, knowing that Leia will be pleased to see me after so long and there will be a little hope in the resistance of a Jedi being with them. I hope, but I am not Luke Skywalker; even if I trained under him, I am not the same person; I am no hero to the resistance. I land the X-wing on a landing pad as I take off my helmet, putting my hair back into place as I switch all of the buttons off and then looking to the outside, knowing they will storm me any moment; I am to make this quick and painless, hellos and goodbyes were never my thing in the beginning when I was a shy child, it hurt to say goodbye to the people that you knew for so long. I jump out of my X-Wing to hide in the trees watching as armed resistance fighters come out as their guns are raised and for Leia and the officials following for me to watch them closely, not wishing to make this drawn out any more than it is. I cover my shelf with the cloak to step out in front of my vehicle, keeping myself hidden until the best moment to reveal myself to these people, "who are you?" a man questions for me to bring my hands in, holding them as the sleeves cover my hands keeping my head bowed so people will not be able to look onto me willingly Luke trained me not to show who I am as it will give me the upper hand. 

"I am an old friend", I answer for some to remain quiet, wondering who is an old friend to the resistance for this long infact, "I have a message from Luke Skywalker" I continue for everyone to be still as statures or droids for that matter knowing no one heard from him in so long that they still think he is dead. Still, Leia knows he is not dead, "he has sent a Jedi knight to help in the dealing of the First Order," I say for me to wait for the question of who is the Jedi knight, "who is it?" one of the officials questions for me to smile as I draw my hands up pulling my hood back to look up onto the resistance who watch me with shock knowing I am young. Still, I have experience in the force that runs through everyone that is sensitive to it and the planets that we step on, "I am Jedi Knight, Harmony Bracca, my master Luke Skywalker, has sent me as an aid for your cause," I say for me to bow my head in respect to all of them knowing Leia is remembering me as a child, "Harmony?" I heard Leia question as I stood up straighter to look at her. 

I then go on one knee, looking to the ground to show her rank above mine. She is a princess after all, "your highness" I say for her to step forward, helping me stand as I look into her kind eyes seeing a little sadness because the last time she saw me was when Ben was still with us, "Luke sent you" she says for me to smile on that, "well I persuaded, master Skywalker to send me to help, you and the resistance" I speak for her to touch my cheek softly missing her deeply while training to be a Jedi knight, "you have grown, my dear" she says for me to touch her hand in peace with her touch knowing she was always like a mother to me, "I am here Leia, I will not leave you" I say with a nod for her to lead me inside with everyone following wondering who I am, I suspect.

Everyone is standing there looking onto me with wonder on their features which makes me remain still with me keeping my eyes to the round table that meetings are held still even as a child I wished to be at those meetings but it seems that will not happen till later, "is Luke Skywalker coming back?" one of the officials question as I breathe in on that knowing they would ask on Master Skywalker's return to the resistance but he is still scared on what happened in the past, "he wishes to remain where he is hiding"I answer for them to be downhearted on my response of Master Skywalker they still think he could be the spark of the universe that would bring everything into balance, "will you tell us where he is hiding?" one of the pilots asks as I shake my head on the request because Luke told me not to voice it to the resistance at all, "I am sorry but my master does not wish for me to tell many on the whereabouts of where he is staying" I say for the pilot to not look impressed on the words, have I offended him in some way, "so we have to take into regard on what this girl is speaking these words about Skywalker when she could be a spy" he says for me to remain still not liking the words at all finding that he is insulting me and calling me a spy, "Poe calm down, Harmony has been with Luke this whole time, training to be a Jedi" Leia voices to the pilot who goes by the name of Poe, "and you trust her, she could be a spy for the First Order" he voices for people to whisper suspecting my actions as wrong for me to turn looking out the window seeing it is raining for me to smile on that not liking the aguments present. 

I step outside for them to watch me as I stand in the open area, swishing my cloak off for it to fall at my feet. Then I close my eyes and hover from the ground, letting me cross my legs with peace running through my being as I hold out a hand for the rain to stop knowing I am more powerful than any Jedi in my ranks. Still, I spent so long with my master, not straying from my path as a healer of the Jedi and a peacekeeper, "not possible" People were whispering for me to feel them coming out for me to push more with my hand to clear the sky's knowing I feel at peace with the force that will always be my peace in this galaxy.    

Edited: 13/8/23

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