Supreme Leader Snoke

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I step back as the doors open to turn to look onto Snoke with loathing on what happened to the man I love because of him, Ren pulls me forward for me to not struggle as we come more into the red room of death, "Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored." Snoke says the knight goes on one knee as I step forward for me to watch the supreme Leader with my head held high, "Young Harmony." the man questions for me to tilt my head in greeting, "Supreme Leader Snoke" I hiss with my tongue for him to smirk at me knowing I am not impressed at all on what is happening and what he did to everyone I loved. The handcuffs are released for me to shake my hands only a little bit narrowing my eyes at Snoke wondering what he is planning, "Come closer, child. So much strength. Darkness rises... and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice... that as he grew stronger... his equal in the light would rise." Snoke was saying as he then uses the force to pull my lightsabers to him making me breathe in steadily knowing I need them to kill Snoke but it seems I will have to wait, "Skywalker... I assumed... wrongly. Closer, I said." Snoke says for me to be sliding in closer for me to breathe in gripping my hands into fists on him controlling me, "You underestimate Skywalker... and Ben Solo... And me. It will be your downfall." I hiss as I stop on the platform looking to the evil man in front of me who watches me with interest, "Oh, have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice. Is that why you came? Young fool." Snoke hisses for me to lick my lips lightly as he then chuckles on my thoughts for me to breath in on that, "It was I who bridged your minds. I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait." Snoke was saying and then he draws in closer putting a hand on my cheek for my breathing to become unsteady knowing I fear him right now,  "And now... you will give me Skywalker. Then I will kill you... with the cruelist stroke." he says for me to press my lips into a thin line looking deeply into his eyes with loathing, "not again" I hiss for him to smirk on my answer and struggle to remain at peace with myself but it seems it will not work, "Yes." Snoke says for me to be thrown back floating in the air for me to struggle knowing that I will never give him Skywalker or any knowledge, "Give me...everything." Snoke says for me to have tears running down my cheeks screaming out no because if he bridges my mind he will find my daughter and corrupt her mind like Ben's. 

I drop down onto the ground for me to breath heavily I was trying so hard to block my mind of my daughter but it seems that he got information on Skywalker. Snoke laughs for me sit up looking to Kylo Ren with loathing in my eyes wishing he was braver then this, "I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him and the Jedi Order... the death he desires. After the Rebels are gone, we will go to his planet... and obliterate the entire island." Snoke says for me to look at him with anger coursing through me not wishing for him to be near my master. I stand up holding out a hand for one of my lightsabers but it went around for me to duck out of the way knowing the causes of the force and it is stupid to act like that, "Such spunk." Snoke says for me to watch him with my blue eyes hating this I am not even powerful enough, "Look here, now." Snoke says for my body to be pulled over to the telescope looking out as the curtain is raised seeing the resistance ships burning as they are shot down for me to lick my lips on that destruction of my friends, "The entire Resistance on those transports. Soon they will all be gone. For you, all is lost." Snoke says for me to close my eyes in peace breathing slowly, "you say all is lost, but I do not give in to the darkness" I hiss to then open my eyes turning to hold out a hand for Ren's lightsaber to fly into my hand for me to light it makes me twirl it around never knowing it was this bulky The red knights are ready to attack but Snoke puts a hand up to stop them, "Oh, still that fiery spit of hope. You have the spirit of a true Jedi!" Snoke says for me to run jumping but the Supreme leader flicks me away for me to fall on my back with the lightsaber turning off sliding over to Ren for me to gulp in knowing that will lever a bruise, "And because of that... you must die." Snoke says for me to frown on that knowing I will not lose this one. I am turned around for me to face Ren on my knees looking to the knight of Ren with my blue eyes, "My worthy apprentice... son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training... and fulfill your destiny." Snoke says for Ren to pick up his lightsaber standing for me to look up at him with me gulping knowing that it was wrong to come here, Ren will never change for his daughter. 

Ren looks to me making me watch the knight Ren wishing for Ben at some points, "I know what I have to do." Ben says for me to go wide-eyed, please no, "Ben" I say softly for him to watch me carefully on that seeing softness in his eyes on his name passing my lips like it uses to, "You think you can turn him? Pathetic child. I can not be betrayed... I can not be beaten. I see his mind... I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now... Foolish child. He ignites it... And kill his true enemy!" Snoke says for my lightsaber to light for me to drop onto my knees to look at Snoke for me to go wide-eyed on that never thinking that would happen as it did, "Ben" I whisper looking to him for him to move his fingers towards him for my lightsabers to fly through the air for me to catch them making me smile knowing that Ben would betray Snoke at some point in time and it is time. I look at Ben as I get up for me to smile small at him making him nod for me to return it turning to the attackers with him loving that he is back to me in some sort. I block attacks for me to then do a flip with me pushing some off with the force as I then dodge another attack grabbing a spear to stick it into another solider of Snokes. I roll around on the ground to cut the legs off another to then be surrounded for me to look up at the curtain for me to smirk to then turn my lightsabers off clipping them to my belt and then climbing swinging around to then let go grabbing my lightsabers doing a flip in the air killing another two red soldiers as I land in fighting pose.  

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