Millennium Falcon

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We were flying upwards into the air as I knew we were to get the map to the resistance, to Leia, "Hold! Stay low! Stay low!" Finn yelled at us while he was in the gunner position for me to narrow my eyes on that, not wishing to go low, "What?" I question, not quite understanding the ex-stormtrooper's point of view, "Stay low! It confuses their tracking." Finn answers for me to gulp in as Rey then dives for me to hold onto the seat, remembering when Han did this; it was much more fun back then than now. We skim along the sand, but Finn is not firing back for us to be hit, but no damage is yet done, "What are you doing back there? Are you ever going to fire back?" Rey yells for Finn, wondering if he can cope with the gunner position. It is quite harder down there than on the top, "I'm working on it! Are the shields up?" Finn yells for me to switch them on quickly, "shields on," I answer as we dodge attacks and fly along, "We need cover, quick." Finn says for me to look at Rey for that, knowing she is the pilot, I'm only the co-pilot this time, "We're about to get some!" Rey yells for me to look at her with a raised eyebrow, "I hope." she answers in a whisper for me to breath in knowing this is sure to be good, I'm hoping that Han's ship doesn't get damaged that much because the lecture would be a mile long like the time when Ben and myself took the bird out to fly when we came back, oh it was terrible, we got a lecture for a lifetime that I thought Han's veins were ready to pop out. 

We come up to destroyed Star destroys to maneuver through them while dodging the blasts from the Tie fighters for me to gulp in. We then split the two up for me to be licking my lips as we dodge attacks from the single attacker. Finn got the one that was following us for me to see that we had the other one coming back for more, "Alright. The cannon's stuck in the forward position. I can't move it. You got to lose them." Finn says for Rey to look at me for me to nod, which makes her smile at me, knowing that we both will be great friends as we think alike, "Get ready!" Rey says as we pull up into the sky and go into the turrent of the old star destroyer, "Okay. For what?" Finn yells for me to gulp in, not liking this plan now that we are in it, but we must fulfil it, "Are we really doing this?" Finn questions for us to get too tight, so we pulled out from a wrecked part pulling upwards for me to shut off the engines and then let Finn fire at the Tie Fighter. 

Once that was destroyed, with pulled up into space for me to stand by BB-8 as the two exchanged a conversation for me to smile like it when there is hope for everyone out there and these two talking, "You're okay. He's with the Resistance." Rey says while bending down to speak with BB-8 while they are finished with the conversation about the ship flying and the firing of weapons which makes me look at Finn; he is acting to be a resistance fighter to get Rey. Wow, men are all the same; it seems which gross to look at, "He's going to get you home. We all will. I don't know your name." Rey asks while standing up for me to look at them; Rey looks to Finn, "Finn. What's yours?" Finn asks as I go off, as I feel the force somewhere calling to me. I sit in the cockpit to close my eyes to then open them seeing that I am on the First Order ship with Ren who is looking out a window with no one around, he then turns to look at me with that hidous mask on which is repulsive to look at, "you have returned?" he says for me to cross my arms over my chest not impressed to be here when I wish to be away from him, "you are a murderer" I answer with a hiss in my words, he hurt so many back then, he hurt me, his best friend who was always  there for him. 

"has Skywalker told you what really happened" he says for to go stiff not liking that he questions on my masters tellings about what happened that day when I was told to leave the temple with my perouis cargo, "I don't need to know because you killed all of those children" I say for me to glare into his mask that I loath for all my life, "where are you?" he questions for me to go stiff in the chair wishing to leave this conversation, "the millennium falcon" he voices as I grip my hands into fists hating it when he does that for me to press my lips into a thin line on who he is searching for when I am with him, "who are you with?" he questions for me to watch him closely with my blue eyes unchanging, "it is none of your concern, Kylo Ren" I answer as I then block off the connection making me breathe in hating that dark knight but how did that happen just then, how were we connected in force to each other. 

The other two then rush in as I look at them, wondering what is happening because I was talking with the snake of a man to understand what is happening around me, "you didn't see the big ship, Harmony," Finn says for me to look down at me not paying attention on what was happening when I was not in the present time, "sorry I was meditating" I answer for him to sigh knowing a Jedi is to meditate most of the day it is how we remain calm in the face of anger, "What do we do? There must be something." Rey says for me to breathe in, trying to feel for the stormtroopers on board, but there is nothing at all which is strange usually there are stormtroopers on these carriers, "You said poisonous gas." Finn questions for me to look between them with wonder on what they are speaking about after I left them, "I fixed that." Rey answers for me to bite my lip softly, wondering what they are planning towards all this, "Can you unfix it?" Finn asks for Rey to become bright on the words that we could have a chance with the First Order, but I suspect it is not the First Order at all that is waiting for us. 

We rush over to the ,open shaft, grabbing masks on the way for me to help Finn with the droid while Rey grabs the grate. We all sit in there for me to place the mask on, feeling something familer, but it must be when I was a child; Ben and I played hide and go seek under the decks, which were fun back then until Han found us with us giggling happily when we were found by him, "Do you think this work on the Stormtroopers?" Rey questions for me to sit there next to BB-8 as Rey is starting the process of unfixing the poisonous gas area, "Yeah, their masks filter out smoke, not toxins. Hurry, they're coming." Finn says while peeking out until the door opens for me to sit there with BB-8 for a smile to shift on my lips, knowing who it is as I hear the footfalls as they move through the falcon, "Chewy", I whisper, knowing that smell anywhere its not like I can get rid of the smell. The grate is lifted up for me to jump up with happiness on my features, "Han, Chewy," I say for them to look at me with wide-eyed expressions that I am sitting down there, "Harmony Bracca, what are you doing in there?" Han says while helping me out, "I'm helping Leia with things" I answer for him to shake his head on that, knowing I was a child when he saw my last training with Luke to be a Jedi but it has been some time since then. 

Edited: 13/8/23

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