disobey my master

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Our eyes are met when his fingertips touch mine for me to breath in the energy coming from it feeling that his hand is cold to the touch, "Ben" I whisper wishing to be like this forever but the moment is then pulled from us as Luke enters for me to go wide-eyed as the hut blows apart for me to look at Kylo Ren who is gone for me to then turn my eyes to my Master knowing it is not right to do this behind my masters back but now it is in clear view. I stand up as the rain is covering me, "is it true? Did you try to murder him?" I say for Luke to look at me with sorrow knowing that I loved Ben Solo and Master Skywalker turned him into what he was, "Leave this island now!" Luke says for me to look at him thinking he is being stupid to turn me away yet again, "stop, you are not leaving me in dark again" I tell him but he keeps leaving me making me breathe in shaking on what is happening. I see Rey's stick for me to grab it to hit my master with it for him to fall on his face to then turn to look up at me with shock on his features, "Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?" I ask him the questions that have always puzzled me since that time. When I was to wrack him with the stick again he used the force to bring an ateni to him blocking my attack so easily. We fight with the sticks for Rey to watch with shock on what is happening for me to gulp in as he then throws it away knowing I use my anger to fight and I am lossy at it knowing that the peace always kept me in check, I pull my lightsabers off my belt lighting them aiming them at my master for me to look at him with my blue eyes with me wishing it was not true. I de-light my lightsaber to look at my master with sorrow wishing he would answer me all those times before, "Tell me the truth." I question clipping my lightsabers to my belt then looking at the man sitting on the steps, "I saw darkness. I'd sensed it building in him. I'd see it at moments during his training. But then I looked inside... and it was beyond what I ever imagined. Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death... and the end of everything I love because of what he will become. And for the briefest moment of pure instinct... I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame... and with consequence. And the last thing I saw... were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him." Luke says for me to step back a little now knowing the truth on what turned Ben Solo to the darkness. 

I watch my master for me to lick my lips knowing it is not true Ben will return to me, "You failed him by thinking his choice was made It wasn't There is still conflict in him If he turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide. This could be how we win." I say trying to make my point but Luke shakes his head on that knowing he does not see it but it is plain in my eyes of the visions I see, "This is not going to go the way you think." he comments for me to breathe in as the rain is pouring on us drenching us to the bone, I bend down to speak with my master more on this knowing I hope for Ben to return to me I always hoped, "It is. Just now, when we touched hands... I saw his future. As solid as I'm seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn." I tell my master knowing I am getting more powerful as the days pass and the future is looking clearer in my eyes, "Harmony, don't do this." my master says for me to stand up breathing in knowing he would always be like this because he does not see what I see and my feelings for Ben to be strong, "I love him, I will turn him back to the light master" I say with a sad smile gracing my features. I go to the falcon for me to see Rey and Chewie there with R2 with them looking ready to be off on another adventure, "were coming too" Rey says for me to look at her with a little smile liking the girl truely, "Rey, you are like a sister to me but your training needs to be completed" I say for her to look at me with her dark eyes, "I wish to be trained by you, Master Bracca" she says for me to look at her touching her head softly like a loving sister would, "after we get Ben Solo, training will continue" I say for her to nod on that as we get the falcon ready, then we blast out of there knowing I am leaving my master yet again and I might not return for some time because Ben will need me. We are in lightspeed for me to get the pod ready to lanch knowing on what I am to do for Ben and the resistance, "As soon as I launch you jump out of range. Stay there until you get my signal where to rendezvous." I say to Rey and Chewie with R2 nearby beeping nervously, "be careful" Rey says for me to give her a little smile, "always am" I say to then climb in knowing that I could die on this mission but my daughter will see me one day and her father as well. 

I am lanched out when the Falcon drops out of lightspeed and then blasts off again for me to gulp in not liking the idea of this now. The pod steers me towards Snoke's ship for me to breath in knowing that I feel fear deep down but I will win this battle, this time, Snoke will not take Ben from me again. The pod lands in the hanger for me to lick my lips looking up at Ben seeing something that I did not before fear and disappointment, two stormtroopers step forward with cuffs knowing that this is to be an interesting trip on my part. I am in the elevator with Ben for me to look forward to hating that I am being taken to Snoke, such evil in that man, "You don't have to do this. I feel the conflict in you. It's tearing you apart." I say for me to turn to look at him seeing he is looking forward at the doors not listening to me at all knowing on what I must do to get his attention, "Ben when we touched hands... I saw your future. Just the shape of it, but solid and clear. You will not bow before Snoke. You will turn. I'll help you." I say stepping forward looking up at him knowing Ben is deep inside him I saw it, "I saw it." I finish for him to watch with those calm eyes, " I saw something too Because of what I saw... I know that when it comes, you will be the one to turn. You'll stand with me. Harmony I saw who your parents are." He says for me to gulp in not wishing to turn to the darkness because I feel it would destroy me with everyone I love but my parents why would he see them. 

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