Harmony is found

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I breathe in, knowing what I must do now not to be spotted by the stormtroopers, I climb down onto the side of the walkway so the stormtroopers do not spot me at all when doing this for me to hang on, waiting for them to pass but something caught my eye a lever down lower from my position for one of these hatches that could work perfectly on hiding me from view right now which makes me to climb down to it pulling it down for the hatch to open with a hiss making me breathe in knowing that it will be cramped in there. Still, I wish not to be spotted now. I nod while climbing in, knowing it will help in some ways. Once in, it closes behind me, knowing I am to escape from here to the people that are looking for me right now, wondering who the resistance actally sent to find me right now. I climb through the tunnels until I make it to an end where I feel the light strongest knowing that the resistance is close by with the light prevailing in this dark place. 

The hatch opens for me to then climb out of it, and then jumping onto the ledge with grace in my movements, rolling to a breaker as I then take go down the halls to bump into Rey, Finn, Han and Chewy, which makes me go wide-eyed on them being the people here to save me from the clutches of Kylo Ren and the First Order who will be looking for me right now, "Rey, Finn, Han, Chewie" I question for them to smile nodding at me as I feel relief on seeing them, "hey kid" Han says for me to smile while looking at them, "are you alright?" Han questions for me to nod on that, "Yeah." I answer for Rey to look relieved at the news of me not hurt at all, "Good." Han says to check if the coast is clear of anyone or anything, "What happened to you? Did he hurt you?" Rey questions for me to smile at her concern, "Do not worry Rey, Kylo Ren can not hurt me more than he already has", I say for her to nod on that, knowing my past is messed up in parts, but that is always the way of a Jedi. 

Chewie then explains with a roar for me to smile as I feel love in his words, "What did he say?" Finn questions for me to raise an eyebrow. He does need to do lessons with Chewie even if the Wookie will kill him in the end when he does not listen properly, "He says it was your idea." I say for me to hug the ex-stormtrooper with Rey joining in, knowing I will always be with them. They are my friends, after all, "Thank you." I whisper knowing that interaction between a Jedi and ordinary people is not ruled out, but it is a no-no which makes me feel grateful to my friends, "How did you get away?" Finn questions for me to smile, knowing that he needs to keep up with the times, "A Jedi trick, Finn", I answer, but Han then steps over to us, that are having a friendly hugging time, "Escape now, hug later" Han says for us to pull apart for me to nod on his words knowing it is not the time for this stuff, we must leave here. 

We get into the lift for Chewie to hand Han his coat, making some noises as Han looks down at the coat and up at his friend, making me suppress a laugh at them. We watch the battle in the sky for me to go wide-eyed at the mass destruction of the First Order and their Tie Fighters, "They're in trouble. We can't leave. My friend's got a bag full of explosives. Let's use them." Han says for me to nod to his words, knowing too well that we are to help in this battle, but I still fill darkness all around here, which is not good. Rey, Finn and I take a land speeder to the other end with us, coming to a section on which that will help Han and Chewie with the doors down the bottom, "there" I say, pointing for Rey to then pull the drive out, looking to me with a sisterly smile, "thanks Harmony" she says as I nod on that as we then leave that area taking the speeder to a ladder that will help us on some levels. Still, the light is vanishing, knowing we are to do this quickly and then get out of here. 

I climb behind Rey and Finn for me to feel something in the wake of the force as we climb, "Beware, child, darkness is growing where you seek the truth" I hear the words of Master Kenobi that whisper into my being from the long-ago Jedi that have since parted this world, "Master Kenobi, I will not stray, for the light is my guide, and the darkness is endless like a pool of cold water" I whisper to myself as I climb the ladder knowing that Rey and Finn look back at me. Still, I am connected to the force right now, not minding the people around me. I then jump, making the top before them, running in for me to see Han standing there with Kylo Ren in the middle of the bridge, walking away from it all for me to grip the railing, feeling a disturbance in the force like Master Kenobi said before, "Ben!" Han yells for Kylo Ren to stop turning to look onto his father for me to gulp in, knowing there is no Ben in him, only Kylo Ren, like Master Skywalker, has spoken on in the past, "Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Kylo Ren comments as Han breathes in walking on the bridge to that murderer of children and women, "Take off that mask. You don't need it." Han says as Rey and Finn join me, watching the scene play out, "What do you think you'll see if I do?" Kylo answers as Han stops looking at him as I breathe in, knowing something is not right here, "The face of my son." Han answers as Kylo Ren reaches up, removing the mask for me to bite my lip lightly, knowing he was Ben Solo. Now he is the darkness; that is all I see, "Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father, so I destroyed him." Ren says for Han to shake his head on those words knowing it is not true what is anyway. 

Edited: 14/8/23

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