Luke is not Coming back

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I look up at Chewie and then down at R2, who seems to be wondering what to do now because it is taking some time, "I'll be back; I fear Master Skywalker is not pleased with the moment", I say for Chewie to roar out a reply while R2 beeps something out for me to nod on that, "back in a bit" I answer going up the stairs that I consistently tracked around trying to find Master Skywalker or even Rey. Still, by no little surprise, Skywalker slams himself into his hut for me to raise an eyebrow at that, walking over there and looking at Rey, who is a little shocked at the treatment of Master Skywalker. Well, this is after all the trouble with Ben Solo that he has become like this; he is a stubborn old man, "Ummm, what happened?" I question Rey, who shrugs her shoulders on that, "I don't know", she says for me to sigh; why is Skywalker acting like a child right now when he is a Jedi master that trained students and made a name for himself, "I'll speak with him, go" I say patting her shoulder for her to nod on that descending the stairs to look for Chewie to help us in this case which makes me breathe in going over to the hut knocking lightly with my knuckles wondering what my master's thoughts are at this moment, "master, are you in there?" I question as I hear a grunt on my question for me to breathe in on that, knowing he is not pleased with all of this, "master, I had to bring her here", I say as I hear another grunt for me to sigh, knowing too well, I am to be blamed for this because he always wanted to be left alone. 

Chewie comes to help as he bashes the door in for me to walk in, then Chewie, then Rey for me to stand there knowing it wasn't my plan to do this at all, but Luke is not going to speak with us on the matter it seems, "Chewie, what are you doing here?" Luke says for me to raise an eyebrow at that as the Wookie replies to the Jedi master in his native tongue, "He said you're coming back with us." Rey answers for me to try and keep my emotions in check on that, "How did you find me?" Luke questions, then look at me, making me shake my head on that, "master I did not tell them anything about where you were hiding, I promise," I answer as he sighs, knowing I will not tell him the whole story yet, but it will come, "we'll talk more about it when we are on the Falcon?" I say for him to look at me with wide eyes, knowing that the Falcon is always with Han, but he isn't in sight at all, which hurts, "Falcon? Wait. Where is Han?" Luke says for me to look down with me, gulping, knowing that Han is gone by his son's sabre, which makes me grip my hands into fists, not liking that the evil snake killed his own father, and we have to speak with Luke about it. 

We sat outside as I looked towards the ocean with my legs crossed to remain peaceful, connecting my spirit to the island. Then, as Rey was speaking on the First Order and of Kylo Ren to Luke, "There is no light left in Kylo Ren. He's only getting stronger. The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks. We need your help. We need the Jedi Order back. We need Luke Skywalker." Rey explains for master skywalker to give me a quick glance, but I do not look at him, knowing he will not return. I feel it in the wake of the force of what he has done to everyone. Luke then looks at the girl for me to wonder how this conversation is to play right now; it is never good with Master Skywalker when I speak about going back to the life he had, "You don't need Luke Skywalker", Luke says for Rey to be quite shocked that Master Skywalker did not listen to a word of her sentence which is understandable he shut out everyone, but the only person that stayed for so long was me who understood that he was damaged after what happened with Ben Solo. I was also damaged, but I took my time to train, "Did you hear a word I just said?" Rey questions, but Luke will not have a word of this at all, "You think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?" Luke says for me to look at them as he stands up, looking at Rey with a loathing look at the fact that she is here in the first place; no wonder no one will speak with him at all when he is like this all the time. 

"What did you think was going to happen here? Do you think that I came... To the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? Go away." Luke says before leaving us there for me to think why he made that map if he didn't want anyone to find him at all; that's Luke for you, "I'm not leaving without you!" Rey yells after him, but he keeps leaving us for me to sigh at my master. He is quite troubled on some matters, knowing it will take time for him to be reasoned with. I get up, patting Rey on the shoulder, knowing that she is downhearted about what Master Skywalker has said about the fact he will never return with us, "do not worry, Rey, he will move in time", I answer, to then walk off in the other direction wishing to be alone on my mountain that is the only place I like to be alone at all times "where are you going?" she questions for me to stop turning to look at her with a little smile, "I am to meditate for a while, call on me later" I answer continuing on my way knowing that I need to be at peace with the force now. The tallest mountain always seems to help me. 

Later that evening, I sit in my hut breathing softly while sitting there with my eyes closed as I will be at peace with everything on this island, feeling the growth of everything, like the planets, to the beating of the hearts of the living beings. Still, there always seems to be an ever pull to the Darkside of the force there in the wake of trying to find the knowledge of my parents, it is always there in the back of my mind, but I block it out so easily, at this moment I feel it feeding into me like a bug into a dead animal for me to gulp in slowly knowing that coming off this island before was a little stupid in my part because the Darkside is in the open then and can seep into my mind. It feels as if Kylo Ren has planted doubt in my mind at the moment, but it must be my thoughts at the moment. I then open my eyes to direct my eyes to my bed, looking at the box under it, knowing the memory's from it that so long ago when I was still with my best friend and the father of my child, making me sit on my knees in front of my bed pulling the box out dusting the dust off seeing the engraving of Ben and Harmony on the lid for me to gulp in the feelings I have right now known I still have hope only a little bit as time passes he is becoming darker it is getting hard to breathe for me. 

I sit on my bed, brushing a hand over the lid with nimble fingers feeling than feeling the pull to the objects inside it; I have not opened it since Ben was still with me, making me breathe in, lifting the lid carefully, seeing the little things that we collected over time when we were still younger and then as we got older for me to lift out a necklace that the boy made me long ago. I remember him sitting on a few crates, craving it for me to be helping with the packing of the Falcon, when he then rushed over, smiling a big toothy grin at me; he then gave me the necklace for my heart to jump on the token to put it on that second never taking it off until I started Jedi training with Luke. I touch it lightly with my fingers loving it very much and feeling its memories. There is a piece of a scarf that got snigged while we were training for me to smile at the old fabric, feel the heat of the battle when we were older, and do a flip out of the way. Still, he took my scarf with him making me nearly cut with the blue lightsaber, which made me fall on my butt, for the boy to turn the lightsaber off, rushing over to me, making sure that I was not hurt by him, which is a much lovely memory as well as the other ones. There are many trinkets with many meanings towards them. Still, the one thing that stood out was a lightsaber that I had not touched since the last time I was with Ben Solo, who was completely Kylo Ren then for I to lift it out, tracing a finger on it knowing it was Ben's because I picked it up from the hut that was damaged after the turning to make me keep it in case he would return to me someday, it seems that he will never return now which makes me hold it to my chest closing my eyes wishing he would be with me again now to hold me.

Edited: 15/8/23

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