Acky Acky festival

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Morning rose for me to find the knowledge that Rey, Finn, Poe and Chewie are going to try and find a Wayfinder which makes me be feeling something in the pit of my stomach as they are getting the falcon ready for us to leave, "you are worried about this mission, Harmony" Leia comments standing behind me making me sigh turning to look at my friend that has always been there like another mother that was never there, "it's just that I am fearful for my emotions, Leia" I answer for her to look at me with her motherly eyes, "Harmony, I have known you since you stepped foot on the resistance door, you never let your emotions run wild" Leia answers as I turn to look at my friends finishing up the falcon, "what if I put her in danger?" I question as her eyes come to Rey also talking with Poe and Finn, "she is stronger then you think" Leia answers as I close my eyes wishing she was right but finding the knowledge that Palpatine is alive sets something dark alight in the force that is inside of me which makes me fear for my friends that are going to be near me, "go" Leia says for me to turn to look at the woman that is always respected around here as the general, "she needs you" Leia says for me to nod giving her a side hug as I then walk over to the falcon looking at the people that I will fight with and die trying, "you can't leave me behind" I say for Rey to look at me knowing that I am also her master which makes me her teacher in these practices, "so let's go, Chewie" I say as I sling my bag over my shoulder more stepping onto the falcon as I breathe in knowing we have a long way to go now and I know that the force will be with us the whole way. We leave the little planet for me to be sitting there wishing that it couldn't be like this but Rey needs me in this time. After some travelling in lightspeed, we come to the little planet that Luke thought the Wayfinder would be on, "more sand" I whisper under my breath as we land the Falcon getting off for me to look around wishing to return home now never into the idea of sand at all. it's to course and it can get everywhere. We are close to the sight on which Luke marked on his books knowing my master was always looking for a way to end this darkness that was spreading through the galaxy, "you sure this is it?" Poe questions for me to raise an eyebrow at him thinking that C3PO is always on point even if no one listens to him, "these are the exact coordinates that Master Luke left behind." C3PO says for us to come onto a festival in fall swing for my eyes to light upon the colour of the place making me wish to join in on the fun, forgetting the mission for a few second, "what is this?" Poe questions for me to bite my lip-loving the signs of colour around here, "The Acky Acky festival of the ancestors. This celebration occurs only once every 42 years." C3PO explains for Poe to not look impressed and so Finn adds a snide remark, "Well, that's lucky." Finn adds in but the droid thought it as positive feedback on what is happening right now, "Lucky indeed. This festival is known for both it's colourful kites... and its delectable sweets." C3Po says for all of us to turn to look onto the droid who looks to all of us as I raise an eyebrow at him wondering why he says things like that. 

The droid then turns to look away from us for me to look at everyone to then slide down the hill to the festival wishing to join in on the fun but the mission is more important right now. Aliens were dancing for me to smile as well with Rey who looks a little like a child, "I've never seen anything like this." Rey says for me to pat her on the shoulder as I pass behind Poe, "I've never seen so few Wayfinders" Finn answers for me to give him a look over my shoulder as we are walking, "there's always random First Order patrols in crowds like these." Poe was speaking knowing we can never cancel out the First Order or even Kylo Ren who I have been trying to block for a long time because I am broken now, "So keep your heads down. Chewie" Poe continues for me to look as Chewie bends down a little lower making me hide a giggle on that, "lets split up see what the locals know," Poe says for me to nod on that going off with Rey following making me watch the children learning their culture wishing that my daughter was here to experience this. I then feel someone pull on my clothes and speaking in an alien language, "she is saying 'welcome'" C3PO translates for me to smile bending down to the child's level. She then held up a necklace putting it around my neck for me to smile touching it lightly with my fingers, I then look at the child with wonder as she is speaking to me in her native tongue, "Her name is Nambi Ghima." C3PO translates for me to look at the child with love in my eyes wishing my daughter could see the world out here without her worrying about her father turned her into a monster before my eyes, "That's an excellent name. My name is Harmony." I answer for her to look at me and then she continues to speak in the alien language for me to watch her with my bright blue eyes, "She would be honoured to know your family name, too." C3PO translates for the young one for me to look down a little never thinking of my last name in all of my life with the resistance, "I don't have a family name. I am only Harmony." I answer for her to look sad on that for me to smile at her with love in my eyes like any mother feel, "but I am okay with just being Harmony" I answer with me putting a gentle hand on her cheek as she looks at me with a smile edging on my face at my friendliness. 

I then feel something for a frown to then edge on my lips as I leave Nambi looking around as darkness falls and I am looking onto the masked monster, "Palpatine wants you dead." Ren says for me to narrow my eyes at him with no feeling for the thing that is here with me, "Serving another master?" I question keeping myself void of all the emotions in my being, "No. I have other plans. I offered you my hand once. You wanted to take it. Why didn't you?" Ren questions for me to grip my hands into fists knowing that if I took it my life would be different, my daughter's life would be different and I don't want her to go to the dark side of the force but I can not say to Ren he would push the subject of my daughter into it, "You could've killed me. Why didn't you?" I question for him to watch me behind that mask that has always disgusted me in the slightest turn, "You can't hide, Harmony. Not from me." Ren says for me to watch him closely with my bright blue eyes never wavering, "I see through the cracks in your mask. You're haunted. You can't stop seeing what you did to your father." I hiss out the truths that are buried within Kylo Ren or better known as Ben Solo, "Do you still count the days since your parents left? Such pain in you, such anger. I don't wanna have to kill you. I'm going to find you and I'm going to turn you to the dark side. When I offer you my hand again.... you'll take it." Ren says with that irritating robotic voice of his as he was stepping towards me for me to watch him carefully on that, "We'll see." I answer with poise but Ren then reaches across space between gripping Nambi's necklace that she gave me as I am left standing there with shock and horror on my features on what has happened, he knows were here now. 

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