One memory of the past

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I sat in the Jedi Temple with my hands resting on my lap and my eyes closed in peace as I concentrated on my training when I heard someone coming for me to smile, knowing the boy was coming to visit me. Still, Master Skywalker has me training right now, with Master observing me. If I falter at all, that is the end of the training, and then I must do it later when there are no distractions, "Master Skywalker, can Harmony come out and play now" I heard Ben question. Still, I keep my eyes closed, knowing if I break concentration, Skywalker will not be pleased with any of us, "let's see if her training is complete", Luke voices as I hear Master getting up with him walking steadily over to me as I sit there, "Harmony, it is time for you to show us your training, lift the rock in the middle of this hall and make it something in the image you are thinking" he says for me to open my eyes concentrating on the shape of the stone and then breathing in peacefully while closing my eyes lifting my hand out extending my fingers letting the force run through them as I feel the pull to the rock. In a few minutes, the rock lifts off the ground, knowing so with the happiness within Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo for me to open my eyes see it is lifting off the ground for me to spin it on the spot with a little smile gracing my features as I twist my fingers as it spins in a circle, knowing I had it in me. 

I place it down gracefully on the ground for me to turn to Luke Skywalker, who nods that me to be pulled up by Ben in a second without a second thought with us jogging out of the temple away from our Master, "Come on, Harmony" he says as we leave the temple through the huts to his where we sit in his room for me to think he is prone to mess well his dad is messy as well, it is way the Solo's are, "what are we doing tonight Ben?" I question as he pulls out a tub of something, which makes me tilt my head in wonder. That; never seen it here before when I have been here most nights. When it is open I see some sweets for my eyes to light up on the contents, he knows me too well that's Ben for you, "sweets" I answer for him to nod on that as I pick one up looking at the packing of it, "master skywalker gave me one" he says for me to smile at him knowing our Master is different then other masters he indulges our attractions to things, "Master is very understanding" I say for Ben to nod on that making his shaggy hair to move slightly for me to reach across stroking it lightly for me to sigh on that loving his hair that has grown, "your hair is so soft to the touch, Ben" I say for him to look at me with those eyes that are so much like Leia's which makes me watch him for some time as I smile brightly at him, "Harmony, can you take your hand off" he says for me to look at him and then go pink in the cheeks letting go looking to the ground knowing we have boundrays and I crossed one just then, we have come to the understanding that I am not his little friend now more like a girl in his safe, "sorry" I say for the room to be tense with awkward silence hating when this happens between us, "it's just, you are like a sister to me, when you do things like that, it makes it seem like you are still a girl in front of me" he says for me to gulp in the feeling knowing growing up with Ben its seems we are like siblings but as we get older we are more boy and a girl in front each other. 

"I am sorry, Ben, for making you uncomfortable," I say for me, standing then placing the sweets on the table with me brushing a hand on them as I feel like we need to change the topic, "ummm do you want to do something tonight," I ask for him to look at me as I tilt my head at him with happiness in my blue eyes knowing changing the mood will always please him I can always understand him, "what would you like to do, Harmony,?" he asks while sitting on his bed leaning on the wall as he seems to be looking at me straight on now, "what about gathering some of the other students and we can go drinking or something at the town" I question for him to watch me with those dark eyes that are accessing my emotions right at this moment, "Harmony, why not we go and see the stars together," he says for me to part my lips lightly wishing to say something. Still, it is my heart's desire. I can not argue with Ben because he wins all the time in the ways of arguments, "ok Ben, let's go," I say, holding a hand out to my best friend, who gets up, taking hold of my hand as we run out of his hut and through the huts to the hill with me sitting beside Ben watching the stars knowing my parents will be out there too and all the Jedi before us which is beautiful to see them sparkle wishing to explore them one day. 

Time passed as we sat there with me feeling sleep consume for me to rock slightly on the spot, "Harmony", Ben said as I opened my eyes fully, looking at him with wonder in them at what he was asking, "close your eyes", he said for me to do as I'm told for me to feel something placed in my hair for me to try and peek but he taps my nose, "don't open them" he says for me to smile at his playfulness when he has never done this before, "Ben what are you up to?" I question for me to feel his breath on my face, which makes me freeze in my breathing, knowing we are close. He feels so warm being this close to me, "open your eyes", he says for me to open my eyes slowly, seeing a Prog in my lap. I go wide-eyed at the animal for me to look at the boy next to me, "Ben", I say for him to let me take it for me to laugh as it tries to fly for me to look over to Ben, who is watching me with his dark orbs as he never moves his eyes away from mine, "Ben it is lovely" I say for him to put a careful hand on my cheek as I stare at him as he comes closer for me to lick my lips lightly as he looks to me. Then my lips as I feel my pulse quicken, "Harmony", he whispers to close my eyes lightly as his lips touch mine softly for me to sit there. He then moves his lips with mine making me take hold of his clothes and pulling him more to me as he brings me into his lap, as I thread my arms around his neck. In contrast, we move our lips together, "Harmony" he whimpers as we kiss for me to shuck on his lip, "Ben", I mumble as we kiss, longing for this all this time since we have grown. 

After our little make out sesh we end up back at Ben's hut where we made love all night which has me to be laying in the covers of Ben's bed with him asleep on his belly next to me making me lay on my side touching his hair softly as I move it through my fingers, "Ben" I whisper for him to humm in response, "Ben, Luke will be looking for you" I whisper for him to open his eyes slowly looking to me laying there putting a hand on my cheek softly rubbing it with his thumb, "Harmony" he says for me to nod on that as he then leans up placing a careful kiss on my lips with me humming on the love in it he is so gentle, "Ben" I heard Luke knocking for me to go pale on that, "hide" Ben whispers for me to nod on that crawling under the bed for me to stay there as Ben throws some clothes on to then answer the door, "master, lovely day isn't it" he says for me to roll my eyes at him playing like that he is going to give us away, "I'm looking for Harmony, she is missing her spiritual training" Luke says for me to go pale forgetting that training this morning, what was I thinking, "she isn't here master" Ben says for me to know Skywalker feels me here under the bed, "Harmony when you are done with Ben meet me in the hall" Luke calls out as I close my eyes knowing I am dead and it is sure to be good. 

Edited: 14/8/23

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