Rey the Scavenger

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I then look around the area noticing something which makes me tilt my head, moving slowly over to one of the canopies that the shops are set up under for shade from the brisling sun that is hot to the touch out here. Finn follows, wondering what has caught my attention at the moment, it seems. I am feeling a girl with the force running through her like a heavy current of water, like a river ready to burst at any given moment. I watch her perplexed. She seems to be similar to me, like I know her from somewhere or sometime. Some people then tried to steal something from her, making Finn rush forward. Does he not think women can not handle themselves in battle? What stops him dead is that she beats them up, which makes me smile, thinking that she is quite tough in the way of battling with others. I then notice the droid, and my eyes go wide-eyed on BB-8, who is ok while being uncovered by the bag by this girl. I blend into the shops drawing my hood up as BB-8 notices Finn for the girl to chase him then, which makes me slip through the stalls to stop near them as she takes him out with her stick for him to lay on the ground in pain for me to suppress a laugh that was rising in my throat on them feeling they will also be great friends like Poe. 

"What is your hurry, thief?" the girl comments for me to tilt my head at them, "What? Thief? Oww! Hey! What?" Finn says as he is shocked by the taser by BB-8, who was ready to hurt Finn badly, which makes me suppress another laugh, thinking he's a little tough droid, "The jacket. This droid says you stole it." the girl says for me to observe her wishing to see where her force-sensitivity comes from and how she will use it in the future, "I had a pretty messed up day, alright? So I'd appreciate it if you'd stop accusing me... Ow! Stop it!"

Finn says for BB-8 to zap Finn yet again for me to watch them with my hood covering my face with me breathing in, knowing the truth will be revealed as time passes us, "Where did you get it? It belongs to his master." the girl says that I wish to learn the name of, "It belongs to Poe Dameron. That was his name, right? He was captured by the First Order with his friend. I helped them escape, our ship crashed. Poe didn't make it. And it seems Harmony has vanished," Finn says for me to step out for the girl to aim her stick at me for me to observe her with my hands raised in the air, "who are you?" she says for me to lift up my hands pulling my hood back to look at them for BB-8 to beep like crazy on me being safe which has me to smile happily at him, "hello again my friend," I say to bend down for him to beep to me as he rolls up to me as I pat him on the head and for him to beep about him meeting the girl Rey who saved him from being taken which has a smile form on my lips, "it's ok Rey, I am friends with this little droid," I say for her to look at me with wonder looking to my belt for me to hide my lightsabers with my cloak as I stand up next to BB-8, "you're a Jedi," she says for me to nod on her words about myself as I look around a little knowing the jedi have left. They will not be coming back, "a Jedi Knight," I correct her with me, watching her with my blue eyes focusing on her. 

I then go off with BB-8 to discuss Poe, but we come to see First Order troopers here. They are looking for us, it seems, always the way for us, it seems "The First Order", I whisper to run after BB-8 to Rey and Finn talking about who knows what. BB-8 beeps like crazy, and I nod quickly on the feeling that we are in the bad now; they look over at some stormtroopers talking with the people that tried to steal BB-8, who then point over to us for me to go wide-eyed. Finn then grabs Rey's hand, which makes her look at him with wide eyes for me to look at Finn, wondering what he is doing exactly, "What are you doing?" Rey questions for us to then run through stalls with them blasting at us for me to dodge attacks with me, gulping in on what is happening, wishing Poe was here right now to help us with this little dilemma, "I know how to run without you holding my hand." Rey hisses out while I smile, following them with BB-8 next to me as Rey jerks her hand away from the ex-stormtrooper. We come to a tent.

I am breathing heavily next to BB-8 with me, wishing I could defend myself with my lightsabers, but it would show everyone that a Jedi still lives with the force which I would have a bounty on my neck before I can breathe my next breath, "They're shooting at all of us." Rey comments for me to stand up straighter, then as Finn is looking through baskets for blasters, would he think that there would be blasters here? Like hell, this is a small market space with nothing but food and building materials, "Yeah, they saw you with us. You are marked." He answers for me to roll my eyes on that, crossing my arms across my chest, leaning on a tent pole, "Well, thanks for that." Rey answers as I move away from my position to look out, wondering why it's quiet now, which is odd in some senses, "Hey! I'm not the one to take you down with a stick. Does anyone have blasters around here?" Finn questions for me to sigh while hearing something outside, making me pale as a setting moon at what is coming. I then begin running out of the tent with my newfound friends. As we run out of the stalls to a Quad-jumper sitting there ready to be flown out of here, "We can't outrun them!" Finn yells for Rey to point at the ship that is coming into view, "We might. In that Quad-Jumper!" she says for me to run faster with them, wishing to be off this sandball of a planet and back at the base out of trouble, "Hey! We need a pilot!" Finn questions for me to, roll my eyes on that, thinking we got two skilled pilots here, "We got one." Rey yells for me to follow her quickly, knowing we must get off this bare ground. 

It is easier to get killed on the ground than in the air, "You? What about that ship?" Finn questions for my eyes to go over to the other one, for my eyes to go wide-eyed; Han's ship, what is it doing here without Han or Chewy, "That one's GARBAGE!" Rey answers for me to give her a look. Loving that ship when I was a little girl; it was super fast for a ship; I always sat on Chewy's lap when they were flying it around, with Ben sitting on his father's lap. It was the best day of my life back then, but then it ended when we went to become Jedi. The Quad-Jumper then blows up for us to halt in our steps, looking at it. Well, there goes that ship, "The garbage will do." Rey answers for me to run in that direction going to the co-pilot seat, "Do you know how to fly this ship?" Rey says while helping start it up, "Rey, I've been flying this since I was a little girl until it was stolen from my friends" I say for her to look at me with wonder on my adventures out of these planets with my friends that were like family to me as I switch things on. We take off for me to be switching buttons, knowing we have to get out of here quickly from the First Order's clutches.  

Edited: 13/8/23

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